SAN DIEGO, CA – Despite all the negatives that have plagued professional sports surrounding drug use, PEDs and blood tinkering, their remains one lasting, almost acceptable story… It’s also considered one of the greatest – if not greatest – athletic achievements in history. One that Hunter S. Thomspon and Dr. Timothy Leary could only hallucinate about. (Leary carried Dock’s baseball card (left) in his wallet). Anyway, the following video was forwarded to us yesterday and we’d like to relive it with you today. While watching, ask yourself this one question:
Was The Dock Ellis No-Hitter The Greatest Athletic Achievement In History?
Without further ado, here’s the animated story of Dock Ellis and his no-hitter on acid:
Now, we’ve spoken with pro baseball players about “greenies” and seen some abusing cocaine first-hand, but the acid trip story – and the ability to throw a no-hitter while tripping – must somehow find its way into the Hall of Fame… Or are we just tripping?
While we’re tripping, we’ll switch gears and leave you some political commentary from political adviser, Hunter S. Thompson, to help you in the next election:
“Not everybody is comfortable with the idea that politics is a guilty addiction. But it is. They are addicts, and they are guilty and they do lie and cheat and steal — like all junkies. And when they get in a frenzy, they will sacrifice anything and anybody to feed their cruel and stupid habit, and there is no cure for it. That is addictive thinking. That is politics.” — Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Come back tomorrow for Cheesy Bruin, who’ll be trying his best not to trip over his NFL picks.