BLOOMINGBURG, NY – I’ve got nothing to watch, along with the millions of other sports fanatics, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to talk about. It’s less of an interview and thank god for that because my lady is not shy about her opinions and more of what she likes and dislikes about sports. Kelly has told me she is neither a Football Giants and Yankees fan but will root for the pair because “that’s how she was raised.” Can’t name a current or past player on the Giants but Derek Jeter is the first thought for the Yankees. It is a little odd because she’s a bartender at the Elks Lodge, which always has a game of some sort on the seven televisions.

The interest isn’t there for this woman but she does admit it’s way better attending a game than sitting and watching the boring sh!t on TV. Admirably, she’d suck it up and go to a game to spend time together. We need to highlight and archive this statement for when the time comes to defend myself in some way, shape or form. It boggles this very Irish woman’s mind that men put so much time and effort into games and knowing all the players involved. Ms. Belfast would rather we (men) donate the same attention to our significant others. Case and point: I have left KellyAnn mid conversation for a return to the Bruins game on the tube and once simultaneously embraced her while watching highlights of a Bruins game. She apparently tolerates it since my twig and berries are still attached to my loins… For now. I’ve expressed that the Boston Bruins were my first love at the age of four and our relationship hasn’t endured the Stanley Cup Playoffs which can be a hurdle if and when play resumes.
Forever with an eye on finances from her part-time drink serving gig, the socialization aspect of sports (particularly NFL Sunday’s) make people tip better. After all, there’s a bottom line to everything. I have been dubbed the Remote Control Nazi by this woman, as per my penchant for requesting hockey channels the minute I sidle up to the bar… before exchanging affections/greetings with her or acknowledging her presence. And yes, she still loves me. I think.
The whole Coronavirus situation and the lack of sports has not changed my behavior – according to Kelly. Yet, I appear more focused on the things that make me irresistible in her eyes. And yes, I agree those eyes need to be examined by the proper professional.
Okay, I’m done and hope this kept things on the lighter side today. Come back tomorrow for the #TigerKing of Niagara Falls, Junoir Blaber. And while you wrestle with that…