Grote's Gripes: Be Our Valentine

Chiba Lotte, Japan – A new direction is needed for our Metropolitans. It is obvious that Jerry Manual is not going to cut it. He should be working at one of the junk yards across from Shea Shack or driving Miss Daisy. No question (as Jerry says about 10 times per interview). Where do we go from here? I am a realist and know a managerial change alone is not going to fix this mess. The Wilpons need to show some leadership. The best way to do this would be to fire Omar and bring in a big time GM like Billy Beane. Unfortunately, I doubt they have the stomach to fire Omar a year after giving him an ill-advised extension. The next best thing they can do is BRING BACK BOBBY V. Let me put forth my arguments:

    Does More With Less: The Mets won the pennant in 2000 with an outfield consisting of Benny Agbayani, Jay Payton and Derek Bell/Timo Perez. Add in Armando Benitez as the closer and you get my drift.
    Walks the Walk: Yes Bobby can be controversial but a big ego at the helm is exactly what this team needs. People can cry all they want about how David Wright or Carlos Beltran should take charge of the clubhouse/team but with Bobby V in charge there will be no need. During his reign the Mets best players (Piazza and Alfonzo) were NOT the team leaders and didn’t have to be. Bobby does a great job of turning the focus away from individuals and onto the team as a whole.
    Proven Winner: When he took over the Mets at the end of ’96 the Mets were finishing up their 6th consecutive losing season. The most wins they had in a season during that span was 77 back in ’91. Bobby proceeded to lead the Mets to 5 winning seasons in a row averaging 90 wins/year. Since then he has won the Japan World Series with the Chiba Lotte Marines. What has Jerry Manual ever done as manager?
    Short Matt’s Impressions: Short Matt is to Bobby Valentine like Tina Fey is to Sarah Palin. They’ll be more bits on the site and less need for pinch hitters like me.
    Wilpon’s Show Balls: I’m tired of overpriced athletes dictating team policy. The Wilpon’s need a no nonsense leader on the field who also has the authority to bring in the type of players he wants. In 2000 when Ichiro was on the market, Valentine claimed that Ichiro was probably one of the 5 best players in the world. Of course his opinion was completely disregarded by our moron GM Steve Phillips who pursued players like Jeromy Burnitz instead. Nine years later Ichiro is on pace to be the fastest player to reach 3000 hits while Burnitz lives lavishly in a San Diego mansion off of Phillips generosity. Plus Bobby V is married to Ralph Branca’s daughter so he has that Brooklyn Dodger connection that obviously means so much to the Wilpon’s.
    Hi-jinx: With Valentine there will be no shortage of outrageous events to chat about on MTM for seasons to come. You really never know what this dude will do. I personally wouldn’t be surprised to see him pull a Ricky Williams and show up in a wedding gown on the bench.

I know Bobby V was a lightning rod during his tenure so I’m wondering what the rest of the MTM’s gang has to say about my proposal.

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