Speaking of sindromes…its just out that A Rod’s $29M salary (tops in the league) is more than the entire Houston Astros team payroll. Given his shi$$y performance in the playoffs last year, and the fact he probably won’t play much until mid-year if then, I humbly present this picture of a bloated 42LB Trout landed recently in New Zealand. Only difference is the Trout will probably drive in more runs than A Rod…

Ok switching gears…
As any hard working newly minted sports writer would do, Preacher Collins decided to stay up late tonight to watch the Cinderella story. No, Angry Ward and Little Angry Wardette…it was not a Disney flick which always has some silly little ending that of course never makes me cry. Instead I bore witness to the sad defeat of the Florida Gulf Coast University Eagles by the University of Florida Gators by a score of 62-50. After a quick 15-4 run the Eagles soon got chomped on by the solid Gator’s defense and were sent back on a one-way flight back to ‘Dunk City’ Florida. Cinderella got a ticket to the ball, had a couple of dances, and then one of those evil step-sisters came up next to her and pulled a Tanya Harding sending her a$$ limping home. But at least Andy still has Amanda…

Thats all for Preacher’s Row for now, I already have enough to repent of on Sunday… Share your thoughts below and get ready for Cheesy Bruin tomorrow.