NEW YORK, NY – Despite what could’ve been a column littered with complaints about fall being here, lamenting the end of days for bikinis, tanning butter and triathlons for yours truly, you’ve lucked out. That’s right, this Cookie is a very happy girl. I’m LOVIN’ it! Here’s why:
Sunday Funday at Yankee Stadium: West Coast Craig wrote about it on Monday, but I’ve got to touch on Mariano’s BIG DAY at The Stadium this past Sunday. While the Yanks lost (not shocked, don’t care), the pre-game ceremony with Mariano’s number being retired by the likes of Jackie Robinson’s family, Metallica playing Enter Sandman LIVE for Mo to walk out to at the pitcher’s mound, and the attendance of his former teammates was a pretty cool thing. Who was there? David Cone, Tino Martinez, Jorge Posada, Bernie Williams (Cookie’s FAVORITE), Jeff “Thanks-For-Nothin” Nelson, Paul O’Neill, and Angry Ward’s favorite Joe Torre… just to name a few. And while the ceremony took over an hour, and may have been a bit long for my Mini Cookies, all was great sitting behind the visitor’s dugout. Both even got game play balls. For me, I was swooning behind my childhood crush, Dave Righetti, and my namesake, ex-Met, Angel Pagan. The day couldn’t have been more perfect. Lifetime memories for these the little ones and moi. Loved it.
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?! Flock Yeah! After spanking the Giants and little brother Eli Manning the night before, my Broncos did me proud, beating Cheesy Bruin’s Oakland Raiders (sorry Cheeseman!) and going 3-0. YUP! Broncos. And yea… Cam James’ column mentioning them going to the Super Bowl pleased me greatly, especially since I recall many-a-people snickering once Peyton joined Denver. Between guffaws they said he was washed up and his neck issues would be problematic. To those I say, “SUCK IT, PEOPLE!”
Metro North: While many people are complaining about the power loss on Metro North for how it screwed them, I will not. Sure, I could complain about it screwing up Mr. Cookie’s journey home – getting derailed – because it impacted me going to a… wait for it… school meeting.But I will embrace it – and embrace the spirit of Angry Ward’s wonderful Wednesday column and say that this NOT-having-a-(paying)-JOB-thing REALLY worked out for me this week.
And with that… I’m going to move myself along in my quest to do great things. Apply for volunteer positions, teach a child Singapore Math (though I am not in Singapore) and get flu mist up the noses the Mini Cookies and me. After that, I will kill this week’s bottle of red wine, making certain its little Malbecian life from being skunked.
Come back tomorrow for something that adds up perfectly… Junoir Blaber.