Jillian “Ya Motha” Brooks is back [for today, at least] with a shameless Holiday Plug for pals with their own start-up, cool clothing line, Whiptail Athletic.
BOHEMIA, BROOKLYN – What do you do when you’re sick of ‘Just Doing It’ at the gym everyday? What happens when you’ve reached a point in your athletic career where attention is not what you’re going for? [Alex Rodriguez can stop reading now], and wearing flamboyant colors with giant logos is a look you’ve, comfortably, aged out of?

Well – in most cases, you sort of just shrug and put on the same Under-Armorous-Whatever that everyone else around you is wearing. But once in a laundry-cycle, you find that super-soft-sweet-spot T-shirt of yours, the favorite from your college days or travel league soccer, and you sweat in that bad-boy like you never have before. Thus, once again, solidifying the shirts place in the ‘awesome-category’ of your closet.
But what if all your workout shirts could be that soft and sot after? That’s the exact question Whiptail Athletic aims to answers. A company designing ‘Gear That Gets You’, which is essentially incredibly soft, super fun workout stuff.
Funny workout gear? I know, what’s funny about the gym besides my lack of attendance, right?

Whiptail is actually, legitimately funny… like Jerry Seinfeld or Angry Ward. And their shirts are actually, legitimately soft and well-made, like YaMotha.
And yes, like a good made for Amazon TV Series or the L.L. Bean customer service policy, I will be transparent – this is a shamelessly promotional article. I like these guys – Whiptail Athletic, that is, and I want you to like them too. Like any good Motha, I want to swaddle into safety, and the best way I can think to do that this holiday season – is with the spoonings of Whiptail’s humor.

It’s like me telling you about Whiptail is that pack of socks you always get for Christmas, or in some cases, your yearly allocation of underpants. (Thanks again Ma!)
And don’t worry – it’s not all about fun and games with Whiptail Athletic – they’ve got a greater goal in mind. As any athlete knows, there comes a time in your career when outfitting gets annoying. You’re rocking the meaty-thighs but now you can’t rock those shorts. And with that sentiment, Whiptail plans to venture into new spaces that solve more serious athlete-issues, like short-crotches & long-ass-inseams. You hear me, Matt Harvey!

So basically, I’m saying – check them out! Go to WhiptailAthletic.com and get free shipping with code: MTM (now, it’s REALLY gettin’ promotional!) Next Up: it’s the Slap n’ Chop – which is something that Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson might be interested in.

And if you’re MTM staff, let The Matts know your size – Whiptail has you covered. Speaking of staff, come back tomorrow for Junoir Blaber.
With love this Holiday Season,
Ya Motha
P.s… I’m open to talk any sports with you!