Melbourne, FL–There wasn’t a dry eye in the House on Sunday evening. Bernie Williams had his very good career properly recognized at Yankee Stadium. Bernie was a very good Yankee, and a consistent run producer for the dynastic Bomber teams of the mid 90s to the mid 2000s. Very good, but not great since that would detract from true Yankees greats like Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio and The Mick to name a few. For being a key contributor on 6 World Series teams and winning 4 of them, retiring #51 was a nice touch to a terrific career and for a good guy.
The Stadium though, was not full. The passion and honor for Williams from fans was respectful and sincere, but not throaty; and not heartsick for a returning hero. But as I mentioned, there was not a dry eye in the house, as the FSA family sat down to watch “Terms of Endearment” last Sunday.
The Yankees have no issue or shame when it comes to retiring players’ numbers. In fact September will bring additional jersey retirement ceremonies to the Bronx. #27 will be retired to honor Mel Hall‘s contributions to the franchise. Currently serving a 45 year sentence for raping a 12 year old girl, no one was more instrumental in crafting the team’s new sexual conduct policies. Graeme Lloyd will have his number retired too. No Aussie southpaw as tall as Lloyd has ever suited up for the world’s most famous sports franchise. Big Graeme will have Craig Shipley and Nicole Kidman on hand that night. Pasqual Perez will be forever enshrined in Monument Park as well when his #34 is raised somewhere. Pasqual didn’t want to miss his big day, so he left Union, NJ a week ago to be safe.
But why are the Mets so reluctant to celebrate their 53 seasons of uninterrupted excellence? Did you know that Tom Seaver remains the only Mets player ever to have his number formally retired? What are they waiting for? Gary Carter, a great Met champion of the fabled 1986 team is a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. But the late great Catcher has yet to be appropriately honored by the Wilpons. Retire his number.Do it now! How about retiring the jersey of the most celebrated, hyped, and scrutinized athlete in sports history (pre-Instagram era) Darryl Strawberry? His mercurial moods and performances along with his charisma made him compelling and Straw remains the most “famous” Met hitter of all time. His impact on the franchise was enormous and mostly positive. Same with Doc Gooden, Keith Hernandez, Mike Piazza, and Mookie Wilson.

Now if the Mets ever get as carried away with the concept as the Yanks, here are a few suggestions for honorees. How about Richie Hebner Day to commemorate the most bitter and indifferent Met ever? What do you think of Bobby Bonilla Day? It would have to take place in the Bronx of course. Brooklyn’s own John Pacella could have his cap retired in honor of it falling off of his head after every pitch he delivered? I’d be all for retiring Met second basemen who tanked their way through their time in Flushing? One day to retire the numbers of Robbie Alomar, Carlos Baerga and Jeff Kent? Tony Fernandez was a SS, but for my money pound for pound the biggest “jaker” in Mets history.
Retirement ceremonies are for the fans. Baseball fans love honoring their heroes from the past. Sadly, among the thousands of things that make the Wilpons the worst owners and worst people on Earth, this bizarre refusal to celebrate the franchise’s rich history is just one more thing and one more reason to boycott Citifield-details coming soon!