EL BARRIO, EL FALLS – I got a text on Thursday night, around 9pm, that I needed to move up in the batting order, again this weekend. I had to quickly search for topics – which was easy – so here we are ready in a hurry. Today’s’ menu: We’ll start with a savory Song of the Week, followed by indulging in our main courses: Mets Prescription, Gareon Conley, World Cup Update.
Song of the Week: My phone broke last week so I haven’t been able to listen to my streaming music service. So I had to be creative and I found it when I was matching “Marvel’s Luke Cage.” There has been some good music on and I actually had a tough time deciding between which of the three songs I liked. I settled on the reggae song because it was shorter and different. I present to you, this week’s Song of the Week, Chase Dem by Stephen Marley. It is really good track with a strong message and an easy beat.
Mets Prescription: As Angry Ward pointed out on Wednesday, the Mets just had their worst June in franchise history! I mean where do you go from there? I will tell you where you go, time to make some sales. People are saying the Mets should sell their two big arms, Jacob de Grom and Noah Syndergaard, to help restock the farm and get some bats. I say, you don’t sell those two, if you aim to be good. What the Mets should do is sell every other arm they have except for maybe Zach Wheeler ; as he is coming back from injury still and could be a good third pitcher. But that means Justin Vargas, Steven Matz, Robert Gsellman can all go. Any middle reliever or closer that you can get something for sell them. Any decent arm in triple A sell them too. This won’t get the Mets any big time bats but they really don’t need big time bats, they just need bats. Get some standard level bats the are in the .280-.300 range and maybe one .320 hitter and the Mets can win some guys. Quick, someone email the GMs.

Gareon Conley: I know you have never heard of him, I hadn’t either until, today. Well yesterday, should I say. Conley went 24th in the 2017 draft to the Raiders, he was a cornerback from Ohio State. He believes he could have gone higher but a charge of sexual assault came the same week as the draft. So now that the case has been processed and a grand jury ruled against the plaintiff, Conley is suing the young woman who accused him. He believes it was cynical, meant to cost him money and time just at the draft so there was no time to investigate. I can’t but encourage him to do so. I don’t do it because I am angry for him, I am more angry at the young woman who came forward. About 3% of rape/sexual assault cases are fake, but unfortunately that 3% is talkec about like it is 30% and every time there is a fake claim, it just makes it harder to prosecute the 97% real ones.

World Cup Update: That picture above is of Brazilian star Neymar. One of the few big stars left in the World Cup as some greats have gone home. The problem with Neymar is he is supremely talented but also is a symbol of everything that is wrong with the game as he falls down in agony at the slightest contact over-embellishing. However, after getting humiliated in 2014, Brazil is intent on coddling him just to try and win. It might also be a bit to with the “if you ain’t cheating, you aint trying” culture of football especially Brazil, who had a guy fake getting hit in the face by a ball to get the guy ejected a few world cups back. Brazil will face one of most talented but underachieving sides in Belgium, today. The other quarterfinal matches will see France take on Uruguay, England versus Sweden and finally Croatia take on hosts Russia, which should be interesting since you never know how much influence Vlad has on proceedings.
Leave your thoughts below and come back tomorrow for another gem by The Invisible Man. You can also find us on Twitter – @JunoirBlaber, @MeetTheMatts & @Matt_McCarthy00, Instagram – @MeetTheMatts – and Facebook – Meet The Matts
P.s… Watch or listen to this new show with Short Matt and Danny B. They are looking for honest feedback at @SportsGotcha and this may be away us MTM pundits make some change…