Iverson’s All-Time Starting 5, Army v Navy, Refugee FC And Healthcare.gov

EL BARRIO, EL FALLS: Been super busy writing for our sister site, so I haven’t had much time for non-rugby related news. But I did squeeze something out [ooh] just for you guys. On the menu for today are Iverson’s All-Time Starting 5, Army v Navy, Refugee FC and Healthcare.gov.

Iverson’s All-Time Starting 5: On Friday, Allen Iverson did a piece for the Players Tribune, where he talked about his respect for LeBron James as a person and as a player. Then he stated that he was on board with Michael Jordan Forever as the Greatest of All Time. I know he is a product of his generation, so of course Mike would win. But if he saw Magic dominate the 80s he might have a different idea for his point guard and center. I know old guys that refuse to debate with you unless you actually saw Earl Monroe or Oscar Robertson play. The decision of an All-Time Starting Five is personal, however there have been so many great players that it becomes a generational thing. The greatest player you saw growing up is tough to beat. Bill Russell was twice as dominate a center of his generation than Shaquille O’Neal was but Russell was 6’9, which would be a small power forward or a tall small forward in this day end age. He towered over the competition.  My list would make room for a pure passer like Steve Nash and a rebounding power forward like the Detroit Pistons version of Dennis Rodman.

Army v Navy: I have given up on college football. I am among the many people that believe it is a newfangled plantation system that rewards the coaches and schools, while exploiting the players.  However, Army v Navy will always have a special place in my heart. I think part of it is the way I revere military service. I actually think it should be mandatory for everyone over 18 to spend two years in the service.

The Navy midshipman aren’t looking towards the match this year. That is because the boy knew what his animal was his warrant – or something like that.  Army will be favorites and higher-ranked .

reVision FC of Houston, Taxes: There is a team in Houston’s youth soccer leagues that captures everyone’s attention. The team is reVision FC and its players are made up of refugees. reVision is filled with players from all over the world but mainly Africa. These are children that would not be here if not for immigration policy that the President hates. reVision’s story  is so captivating that they had a USA Today piece run on them and their season.

Charles Rotramel, who runs reVision, a nonprofit that works with youth involved in the juvenile justice system, had hoped to draw kids in when he turned the swatch of grass behind St. Luke’s into a soccer pitch. I wish them the best of luck in finding more players.

Healthcare.gov: I used healthcare.gov last year and I loved it. It was great to have some kind of coverage for me, my wife and our daughter. I would like to thank my provider and hope you find one too. So go to heathcare.gov and sign-up betwwn now and 12/15/2018.

Share your thoughts below and come back tomorrow for another gem by Cheesy Bruin. You can also find us on Twitter – @JunoirBlaber, @MeetTheMatts & @Matt_McCarthy00, Instagram – @MeetTheMatts – and Facebook Meet The Matts

Oh, and getting back to our sister site, for all you doubters – Professional Rugby is here to stay. Boston/NY rivalry now in it:

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About Junoir Blaber 583 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber