The Definition of ‘Ace’ Does Not Cover Gerrit Cole

Gerrit Cole, Dan Martin, NY Post, Aristotle Sakellaridis, Scott Boras, Meet_The_Matts, Aristotle Mugsy Sakellaridis, Google Alerts #GoogleAlerts
Gerrit Cole has had his road-bumps on this Yankees journey...

BRONX, NYDan Martin is a respectful writer for the N.Y. Post. He’s covered the Yankees for years. Please tell me Martin was under the influence of alcohol when he typed his story for the March 21st edition of his newspaper.

In an article titled, Cole hasn’t put ‘any thought’ into the possibility of opting out in ‘24, Martin wrote how Cole has had PLENTY of SUCCESS in the Bronx and the Yankees have been pleased with his performance since he arrived as their ace. Tell me that Martin wasnt downing gin or vodka on the rocks while he put those words in order. What is Martin’s definition of the word SUCCESS? Is it Cole’s 257 strikeouts in 2022, to set the new Yankees single season record?

Up in the Bronx, the meaning of SUCCESS is a World Championship. Nothing else! This is a franchise that collects the winning trophy. It has 27 of them, the most amongst any other team.

Aristostle “Mugsy” Sakellaridis

Let me remind Martin that for the past three seasons since Cole has worn pinstripes he has failed to pitch his team into the next playoff round. For the higher ups in the front office, who refer to Cole as their ace, what exactly are you pleased about? You spent 324 million dollars for a nine year contract on your so-called ace who has not been lights out in the month of October. If you are happy about just making it into the playoffs since he’s been here, then you need to re-read the team media guide and check out the 27 championship years.

Martin’s headline of, “Cole hasn’t put any thought into the possibility of opting out in ‘24” is because Cole’s thoughts are California Dreaming. The guy that represents Cole, Scott Boras, is already counting his five percent commission, as he watched the Mets Jacob deGrom, a part-time pitcher, fly the coop for richer/greener pastures.

Get ready for Boras to play his hand and get Cole, and himself richer just like he did with A-Rod. The opt-out clause that the Yankees agreed to should have been worded with their own opt-out if Cole failed to produce.

Forget WHIP and those other geek-infested stats. If 36 wins and no rings is what you get from Cole’s 324 million dollar deal in his first three seasons here, then Ron Guidry needs to come out of retirement and show those non-baseball disciples, who rely on ANALytics, what the definition of the word ACE is.

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About Aristotle "Mugsy" Sakellaridis 165 Articles
Aristotle "Mugsy" Sakellaridis is the junkiest of baseball junkies. He plays in 4 leagues, well past his 40th birthday, and spends the winter in Florida shagging flies at Yankees minor league complexes. He's also a retired Riker's Island Corrrection Officer - having worked the night shift for 20+ years.