Sports Rain Man: Mets Update, Tua Tagovailoa & NFL Recap


NIAGARA FALLS, NYHappy, Monday!  We got the playoff chance baseball along with early season fooball. the WNBA. That said, today’s topics are: Mets Update, NY Football Recap and Tua Tagovailoa.

Mets Update

The Mets make things difficult. They could have swept the Phillies or at least won 2 out of 3 but instead dropped games they led in Saturday 4-0 in the 6th inning and the bullpen blew it. The Bullpen blew a 1-0 lead in the 8th and lost 2-1. Sunday was a small lead but this is what playoff baseball is about. You can’t make the playoffs if you can’t win tight ones. If you are up 4-1 in the 7th inning of the division or championship series, you need to be able to see it out. The Bullpen has been a weak link all season and will be the reason the Mets don’t make the playoffs or don’t last long if they do. There is nothing the manager can do, guys just need to stand up and deliver.

Tua Tagovailoa

Junior Blaber

I will talk about the game a bit later but the concussion to Tua Tagovailoa is what people are talking about. This is the 3rd one he has had in two seasons. He also had 2 in college. Tua lost weight to try and toughen up for the season ahead but he got this knock because he wouldn’t slide. Being such a fierce competitor, is a problem. I also watched a tiktok that discussed the role his family has played in things, especially his dad. A polynesian family is best understood as old European style. Your wants as the son are second to the needs of the family according to needs of your parents. Tua has spoken how the decision to move the family and choose Alabama was based on his dad, Tua is actually a righty but learned to be left because his dad was a lefty and he didn’t want to be the only lefty in the family. There are video clips of him explaining getting whoopings for playing poorly and things of that nature. Family friend and former NFL player Manti Te’o is also hoping that Tua considers retirement as he mentioned that Tua is only 26 and there more things to see like watching your kids grow up and such. I am of the mind that he needs to retire or at the very least take the rest of this season off. He will be meeting with neuroligists this week so hopefully they give him good advice.

NY NFL Recap

The Bills were dominant in their game against the Dolphins before Tua left with a concussion. Tua was trying to force the issue and then got hurt. The Bills looked much sharper on Thursday night than they did last Sunday. This season will still end in tears but it is a good start so far.

The Giants lost but won while the Jets won but lost. The Giants had a great bounce back game. The connection between Malik Nabers and Danny Jones seems to have been forming and they clicked majority of the game, minus a crital drop ball late. The thing that hurt the Giants was that kicker Grahamn Gano got hurt in warmups so the punter had to do the kicking which led to a missed extra point and the Giants going for it on fourth down more often and also 2 point conversations. Washington’s kicker made his kicks depsite being new to the team and helped them win 21-18.

The Jets won ugly. I am worried about the injuries suffered considering they play on Thursday. The unnecessary physical abuse of a Thursday was covered by doctor in regards to concussions in the NFL and how Thursday gives not nearly enough time for the body to rest. Well the Jets will be playing their 3rd game in 12 days. That is absolute madness. As for Sunday, the Jets looked inconsistent but thankfully they have Aaron Rodgers who was able to bring calm and focus late in the 4th quarter to get the Jets the lead. From there, it was tight as the Titans but up a good fight but the Jets Defense held in the shadow of their own goal line to assure victory.

Thanks for reading and come tomorrow to hear from the Ben Whitney, who will tell why Nabers will lead the Offensive ROY.

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About Junoir Blaber 558 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber