“I can guarantee that the Jets will not lose this week.”
SANDY’S WAKE – Hurricane Sandy has gone after giving the tri-state area the Port Royal treatment. Now the recovery has begun. I know many people still don’t have power or cable. Which probably doesn’t matter much since there isn’t much worth watching on TV these days anyway. Its back to work for me today since my office got power back late yesteday. One day work week ain’t bad I guess.
The NHL lockout is still going strong and it looks like another round of games and the Winter Classic will be axed soon. There are signs that both sides are growing weary of this work stoppage and I think everyone realizes that the cancellation of another season would ring the death knell for the sport. I don’t know how much longer fans like me and Cheesy Bruin can go without real hockey (that KHL sh!t is unwatchable) but there are no more plans for talks between the sides yet. Hopefully, December will bring with it some real ice hockey. Or I’m going to have to find something else to watch for the winter? Anyone know of a good place around here to watch some caber-tossing or cheese-rolling?
The NY Football Giants are looking good. They finally learned how to beat teams in the division, getting past the Redskins at home and the Cowboys in Jerry’s House, back to back. For a while it looked like the G-men would go 10-6 on the season and 0-6 in the division. But now its looking like all the Giants need to win is to be down by less than a touchdown with less than two minutes left. Up next for Big Blue is a tricky game against Ben “She Can’t Say No if Her Mouth Is Full” Roethlisberger and the Pittsburgh Steelers. We’ll see whether Eli and the Giants can keep up with Big Ben. Should be another good game.
I can guarantee that the Jets will not lose this week. The league schedule mercifully gives the Jets their bye this week. Mark Sanchez still sucks and plenty of people are calling for Tebow Time. I doubt it will help very much, but they can’t get much worse. Rex might as well give God’s Stepson a shot. They’ve got nothing to lose at this point.
Last night’s Chargers-Chiefs game was the perfect remedy for insomnia. In fact, most Thursday night and Monday night games are pretty bad. I guess they’re something to watch since there’s nothing else on TV, unless you’re an avid fan of Honey Boo Boo (Junoir) or Cake Boss (Cam James).
Basketball’s second pre-season started this week. This one goes until March when meaningful basketball finally starts. The Knicks and Nets should both be good enough to make the playoffs and lose to the Heat. I could care less about the basketball regular season. I barely watch the playoffs.
All of this means its going to be a long winter for me if hockey doesn’t sort this shit out soon. Maybe I’ll head up to Bridgeport or Hartford to watch some AHL hockey. But who wants to spend more time than necessary in Connecticut? Cookie knows what I’m talking about. On the bright side, its only another 110 days or so until pitchers and catchers report.