PHILADELPHIA, PA – There have been more polarizing, high-profile personalities in professional sports – Reggie Jackson, Alex Rodriguez, OJ Simpson, Howard Cossell, Pete Rose – to name a handful. But Tim Tebow getting time in the City of Brotherly Love is simultaneously fitting and… annoying.
Whilst (we’ve been dying to use that word) Philadelphia Eagles fans are in an apparent love-fest with Timmy T, even giving him a standing ovation after he scored this weekend, let’s keep in mind two things:
A) The Phillies Suck, so any distraction from baseball is a good one.
B) The minute Teebs flubs an easy throw, or tosses a wounded duck into the arms of a feasting free safety, the Philly’s Phinest will rear their very ugly heads, and invoke Jesus, Mary and Joseph in ways #TebowTime has never heard.

So what gives with this @TimTebow?
The guy has been out of the NFL for two years, was cut by 3 (or was it 4?) teams and has some fans swearing (pun intended) that he’s the 2nd coming of Christ. Meanwhile, others want him to go to Hell. And guess what Jets fans – Ye of no QB – Tee Tee is looming on the depth chart behind (pun intended) Mark Sanchez! You can’t make this up. Rumor has it that Chip Kelly will be hiring Rex Ryan as his shrink.

Sam Bradford – who is on this team – has to be questioning the existence of a god now that he’s rubbing elbows with these two hacks, trying to salvage his career. Sammy B’s fall from grace is right up there with Vince Young’s. Maybe Rams fans Grote2DMax and Tall Matt can shed some light on why he’s in Chip Kelly’s Castaway QB Camp.
There is one major positive out of all this Philthy mess and that is that the Eagles will be be laying eggs all over the NFC East. As supporters of the New York Football Giants, our prayers have been answered.
Thank you, Timmy. You’re the gift that keeps on giving. Like Herpes.
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