SPANISH HARLEM – Today I will be trying something new shtick, a segment called, “Five Things I Think I Know. It will focus on random tidbits that have caught my attention. Today I have five things I want to talk about and I fully expect to revise the amount of things whenever possible but 5 is will always be my limit. I have been inspired by the great teammates and fellow writers here at MeetTheMatts.com, so I hope you enjoy it.
Without further ado, let the countdown begin…
Tim Tebow will play professional baseball. I wont bet on him making a major league team, probably ever, but the guy is marketable and if Michael Jordan can give it a try, why not Tebow. Tebow is type of person you love to root for… the underdog. Some may say he is doing this for the attention but the guy gets attention for any thing, even saving lives. All Tebow has done since leaving college is ask for a shot, sometimes he has succeeded, most times he has failed but you have to give it to him, he purses his passions and you can’t knock him for that. If all else fails he can always play with the legendary Harlem Shaskys.
Gary Sanchez is human. I know this may seem far-fetched for a lot of you but no, Gary Sanchez is not a god, as I have proposed. Yes, he did win another Player of the Week honor but can we really expect him to hit a home run every game. He has carried this Yankees offense and kept the Pintsripers in the playoff race when no expected it. But you can’t stay hot forever. Still, I call that a win-win, no matter what happens this year.
Michigan University will be great as long as Jim Harbuagh is the Coach. As a Michigan fan, I have seen the debacle of Rich Rodriguez and Brady Hoke. All good coaches and good people but somehow could not create their past magic with Michigan. Whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny he is a great coach. Some people will bring up that he wore out his welcome in the NFL but the great thing about college football is that players only play for 4 Years, that will help keep Harbuagh in college for the foreseeable future. The pressure is always enormous for a school with such rich tradition but Harbaugh is just dumb enough – and cocky enough – to make this team great again.
The Mets will make the playoffs but the Yankees will not. There is something about the National League that makes me think its easier to get into the playoffs. Maybe it’s that the pitchers bat or maybe its because Ivan Nova is dominating the league with the Pittsburgh Pirates. But mainly it’s the easier schedule the Mets have that gives me hope we will have playoff baseball in New York this year.
AJ Styles is the best wrestler in the world. This is my first time speaking about wrestling, specifically WWE wrestling, and hopefully it wont be my last. I tried writing a full article on the brand split but was rebuffed with something like “Okay, but make sure you get some real sports in your article as well.” Thanks Matts! Anyhow, watching this guy wrestle is amazing. I know, I know… It’s fake. It’s scripted. When done well, though, it’s art. Every single night AJ Styles creates great art… with an occasional masterpiece. The Phenomenal One can wrestle anybody and make it’s MUST SEE TV. Why it took so long for the WWE to take notice is beyond me but he is there now and we all are better for it.
That’s it. Comment below and please follow us on Twitter @MeetTheMatts & @BuddyDiaz19 and like Facebook page, Meet The Matts.