Big Ben Tuesday: The Andy Reid/Kelce Bros Bowl! Novak the MFGOAT

BEN-WHITNEY, Meet-The-Matts, Kelce Brothers, Andy Reid, Novak Djokovic, super bowl, NFL Playoffs, NFL, Google Alerts, #GoogleAlerts
MFGOAT, Kelce Brothers, Andy Reid...

EMBARRASSING, NYC – Like anyone who has lived in New York City, I enjoyed Eagles’ colors on the Empire State Building. Hey, let’s have a parade here when they win the Super Bowl. Yuck… I hope someone was fired or castrated for that by now. Or disintegrated in green acid, Walter White style. I don’t know about you, but I’m fired up for the Andy Reid or Kelce Bros Bowl. Oy, even Tom Brady doesn’t sound so bad anymore. And how about that Novak Djokovic shoving a cold dish of revenge up the Aussie Government’s Vegemite pie hole. Take this one mates, way down under. We’re all over the place today, let’s go.

Hizzoner, the Jabroni

Championship Duds

It was unfortunate that Brock Purdy got hurt, as that might’ve been a good game. The Eagles offense didn’t look all that impressive, especially the passing game. That one looked like it was going to be a low-scoring slug-fest. Once Josh Johnson fumbled the snap and gave the Eagles the short field for 21-7, it was over. I didn’t need the wise and prescient Tony Romo to tell me that fourth stringer Johnson wasn’t bringing them back.

I enjoyed Travis Kelce trying to out-frat boy his brother, by calling the Mayor of Cincinnati (Aftab Pureval) a “jabroni.” There are not many better words than jabroni. But that game could’ve gone either way and would’ve gone to OT if not for the boneheaded penalty. It’s not like KC blew them out of the stadium, rightfully restoring the name “Arrowhead.” I’m not sure if the margin of victory warranted that rant. Ya got lucky.

Don’t Poke the Bear

In case you missed it, 49ers’ fans put a Niners jersey on the Rocky statue and the Cincy mayor said Arrowhead is actually “Burrowhead.” How did it work out for them? I’m not saying these things affected the game, but come on people, talk sh!t after the game.

Don’t rile up your opponent. Book of Jeter, 2:5.

Novak’s Revenge

The Sunday event to watch was Novak Djokovic winning the Australian Open. The man smashed his way through the tourney, losing only one set. This came a year after they tried to make an example out of him. The man stood up for all of *us, and the right to not be experimented on with untested medical products created by corrupt, greedy corporations. And still, he would not be allowed to play in the US Open if it started now.

Djokovic stood tall, even though it may cost him the record for the most ever grand slams. Some things are more important. It was great to see more and more giving him the respect he deserves. The admiration shown by many transcended his awesome display on the court. It’s time to recognize.

I now elevate to him MFGOAT status. He’s not just the goat, he’s the mother f@cking goat, y’all.

Angry Ward will be here tomorrow. Please comment below and follow us on Twitter at @benwhit8 & @MeetTheMatts and like our Facebook page, Meet The Matts. And we’re on Instagram, too – @MeetTheMatts.

*This is the opinion of the great Big Ben Whitney.

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About Ben Whitney 448 Articles
Ben Whitney comes from journalistic stock. Aside from his brothers, rumor has that his great-great grandfather was the youngest brother of Eli Whitney and covered the earliest "rounders" games. Big Ben is also another New York Rugby Club player/pal of Different Matt, Short Matt and Junoir Blaber. He likes film noir discussions, has twin girls and took up ice hockey after retiring from rugby.