Hall of Fame Fiasco!

Aristotle Sakellaridis, Yankees, Hall of Fame, Meet The Matts

COOPERSTOWN, NY – With the results from the Veterans Committee on who enters the Baseball Hall of Fame for the class of 2025 being announced tomorrow, my thoughts are: Shove it up your a$$!

Names like Tommy John, Dave Parker, Dick Allen, and Luis Tiant should have been enshrined years ago by these so-called experts, who apparently don’t know the difference between a man and a woman.

To have the New York Yankees, legendary Captain, Thurman Munson’s name omitted from the ballot by this committee tells me they should all be committed.

One would think that the Veterans on the Board would have more sense than the media members who had the first crack to vote, but that’s not the case. These angry old men either have a personal grudge against the past greats or developed a case of dementia.

As we wait for the results, I can’t stop thinking about the fiasco of Brooklyn’s own Gil Hodges being turned down year after year, until he finally got in. That was 50 years after his untimely death. His widow Joan accepted his induction with grace and class.

Going back to our Captain, Thurman Munson, who’s not even on the ballot for tomorrow’s announcement, it’s been 45 years since he perished, and he hasn’t even come close to being inducted.

For us New Yorkers, Munson got inducted into Cooperstown on August 2nd, 1979. I speak loudly to the voters when I say, F*CK OFF A$$HOLES! I’m sure the fans, Thurman’s Army, his teammates from The Horace Clarke Era to The Bronx Zoo, Canton’s own advocate, Steve Fettman, and Yankees Ambassador, Ray Negron, would all agree.

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About Aristotle "Mugsy" Sakellaridis 166 Articles
Aristotle "Mugsy" Sakellaridis is the junkiest of baseball junkies. He plays in 4 leagues, well past his 40th birthday, and spends the winter in Florida shagging flies at Yankees minor league complexes. He's also a retired Riker's Island Corrrection Officer - having worked the night shift for 20+ years.