SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Sound the trumpets! Gather the family! Yell out the windows! As promised, Saturday is now TRIVIA DAY on! That’s right, despite our WIN TIX TRIVIA going over like a lead balloon thus far, we are forging ahead, giving a lucky fan the chance to take someone to the Interleague Series of their choice! You provide the transport and accomodations, we supply TWO TICKETS and $50 W.A.M. (Walkin’ Around Money)! Here are the rules again, just to refresh:

  • All questions will be derived from stuff on the web and (predominantly) (Videos, Fan Forum posts, Matt Facts, Advertisers & Photos)
  • Every Saturday, new questions will be posted, with the last posted on Saturday, June 6th.
  • Previous questions may be answered by new-comers
  • Leaders will be posted each week
  • A weighted scoring system will be in place to benefit those that have played from the very beginning. That way, Wisconsin Walt doesn’t lose out to PhanaticComeLately (for what it’s WERTH), should they end in a tie.
  • Tie breakers will be based on some confusing and antiquated aggregate of statistics, leaving you apoplectic and our defense of said outcome specious at best.
  • We reserve the right to add a question to the odd Tuesday or Thursday post, just because Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson will likely find that dubious.
  • We may attend the game with the winners, depending on the O.O.P. (Out Of Pocket) damages that we are forced to incur (HELLO??? Anyone donating tickets to this cause???)
  • We will work out the kinks as we go – like the Yankee bullpen or Daniel Murphy in the outfield.


  • As per our Matt Facts on the Home Page, how does Stephon Marbury speak?
  • In our RUGBY AIN’T SOCCER VIDEO, what is the name of the rugby team that kicks Short Matt’s butt? (Hint: we zoom in on the jersey’s logo).
  • On June 16th 2009, who will the Baltimore Orioles be playing?
  • How many more “STAFF” members (look under Coaches, not pitchers!) do the Yankees have than the A’s?
  • PREVIOUS QUESTIONS (Which may be answered):

  • In our BIG LEAGUER AT HOME PART II video, what does Kevin Baez call us just before he bites into the bacon?
  • There are your questions. Good luck and godspeed!

    Right now, we have 7 contestants tied for first with jgclancy breathing right down their necks, all alone in 2nd place. Obiviously, we’d like more people to know about this, so please spread the word. It’s kid-friendly, too!

    Rex O’Rourke tomorrow.

    P.s… A-Rod is back.

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    About The Matts 381 Articles started out as a NY Mets website and organically grew into an entity covering all professional sports. Our daily contributors, as diverse as they may be, share two important traits: -They toil for the "love of the game..." -They have a sense of humor. This is, after all, sports entertainment.