SAN FRANCISCO, CA – It’s Saturday, people! That can mean only ONLY THING: TRIVIA TICKET DAY! You can easily win two tickets to an Interleague Game with $50 W.A.M. (Walkin’ Around Money)! It’s easy. In fact, it’s as easy as stealing a base against the S.F. Giants!

  • QUICK REFRESHER: You answer our questions by sending your answers to, we keep track and announce the winner! Please DO NOT post your answers for everyone to see!
  • All questions will be derived from stuff on and the web – we’ll provide BLATANTLY OBVIOUS CLUES.
  • That’s basically it! More rules can be found at the end of this page. So good luck, here are the questions – answer all (New & Previous):


  • We included the Chicks Dig The Long Ball video in our GOODEN/CLEMENS piece. What stadium was used for the shoot?
  • In our piece from the OLD Yankee Stadium, where is the taller Matt from? Click HERE to see the video

  • As per our Matt Facts on the Home Page, how does Stephon Marbury speak?
  • In our RUGBY AIN’T SOCCER VIDEO, what is the name of the rugby team that kicks Short Matt’s butt? (Hint: we zoom in on the jersey’s logo).
  • On June 16th 2009, who will the Baltimore Orioles be playing?
  • How many more “STAFF” members (look under Coaches, not pitchers!) do the Yankees have than the A’s?
  • In our BIG LEAGUER AT HOME PART II video, what does Kevin Baez call us just before he bites into the bacon?
  • Here are our leaders after the first week based on 5 possible total points:

    vinny from brooklyn: 5
    Time Warp Tony: 5
    bosoxbruins04: 5
    Wisconsin Walt: 5
    Linda: 5
    buffalobilly84: 5
    Yankee Joe: 5
    Johnny 9X: 5
    Philly Phanatic: 5
    acegrocki: 5
    temple: 4
    Sam’s-A-Fan: 4
    preacher: 3 1/2
    jgclancy: 3
    Joe “Face” DeSapio: 3
    SchenectadyMets: 1 (only answered one question to date)

  • The last questions will be posted on Saturday, June 6th.
  • Previous questions may be answered by new-comers! That means you can join at any time!
  • Leaders will be posted each week
  • Tie breakers will be based on some confusing and antiquated aggregate of statistics, leaving you apoplectic and our defense of said outcome specious at best.
  • We may attend the game with the winners, depending on the O.O.P. (Out Of Pocket) damages that we are forced to incur (HELLO??? Anyone donating tickets to this cause???)
  • That’s all for today, have some fun with the Triivia and look for Rex O’Rourke tomorrow.

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    About The Matts 376 Articles started out as a NY Mets website and organically grew into an entity covering all professional sports. Our daily contributors, as diverse as they may be, share two important traits: -They toil for the "love of the game..." -They have a sense of humor. This is, after all, sports entertainment.