Super Bowl, Kaepernick, J-E-T-S. All at Once??

KapEL BARRIO, LA BRONX – It was another busy week for me;  still caring for my sick wife, while busy writing everyday for our partner site, Rugby Wrap Up.  But I did find time to scratch down some thoughts on Super Bowl, Colin Kaepernick to the Jets and a bit of Hockey.

Super Bowl Predictions: I guess I should make a guess. Everyone is making their picks. I am very much in the Broncos camp. (It’s a very lonely and sparsely populated camp, btw) It is not so much the hype around Peyton Manning’s probable final NFL game, but a gut feeling.

I do know that I hate the Giants. Eli Manning is overrated. He has played well in Super Bowls and made some big throws but his defense has carried him to the title twice. Somehow the lesser talented brother has more titles. As the youngest of three boys, I feel for Peyton. He has done all the things you need to do during the regular season yet he is behind his lesser talent bro in a big way. FYI, my heart bleeds for poor Cooper Manning by the way.                                                                                                       hi-res-81570944-indianapolis-colts-quarterback-peyton-manning-archie_crop_north

Colin Kaepernick to the Jets? During the middle of the week, I got tagged in a facebook post from my bro, Matteo. Apparently Colin Kaepernick is looking to leave the 49ers and possibly land with the Jets. Thanks Chip Kelly!!

From my perspective this is a bad idea! Kaepernick has talent but the only one that got him to play his best was Jim Harbaugh of all people. Under Harbaugh, the Niners also had a solid defense, great running game and quality receivers-you know, the supporting cast that every NFL quarterback needs to be successful. To me, Kap feels like a better Geno Smith!  I’d rather the Jets get a more complete and consistent player for the game’s most important position.

NHL-tried-to-talk-John-Scott-out-of-attending-All-Star-Game-1Hockey stuff: So John Scott scored two goals, dummy fought Patrick Kane and was named All-Star game MVP. It all felt a bit staged. However, I am fine with it. Scott is a good guy. He never asked for all of this drama. Give him his trophy and let him go back to obscurity in peace.

Calgary Flames Defenseman Dennis Wideman was suspended 20 games for hitting a referee. NHL Discipline Czar Colin Campbell (remember him Rangers fans?) wanted to show he had the refs’ backs.

Wideman hit the ref-though the player maintains he never saw the official to begin with. An argument more plausible given that Wideman had seconds earlier been concussed. The NHL for its part believes that excusing the hit on those grounds would open a can of worms. (Yeah, he shot the ref, but he had just been concussed so…)

Sending a message that refs are off-limits is important. But the guy was in a clearly diminished capacity so 10 games seems more appropriate in light of that. Should Wideman’s injury be a factor in meting out punishment?

Come back tomorrow for Cheesy Bruin!!

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About Junoir Blaber 551 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber