WEST BROOKLYN, NJ – This week I’ve decided to pay respects for another Gotham institution gone way too soon… wait that was Angry Ward earlier this week. No, I’m here to pen an open letter to the Management of two of my favorite teams, the Mets and Knicks. You want to change the narrative about your mis management then get on it and do something different.
The New York Mets – you want to change the narrative that the Wilpons are cheap bastards who don’t give a rat’s ass about winning. Here’s what you don’t do- drop Adeiny Hechavarria from the roster the day before he is due a roster bonus. Don’t drop a solid pro and loyal guy like Edgardo Alfonso after he won a championship because he probably asked for a raise. Don’t hire an inexperienced manager because he’s cheaper. Don’t bad mouth your players that you want to show the door like Syndergaard, trying to paint them as disgruntled. Instead try this: Hire the best manager available (Joe Girardi) and pay him what he’s worth. Resign Zack Wheeler to a multi year deal. Sign some more free agents like a good center fielder and a solid catcher and multiple bullpen pieces. Who am I kidding? None of these things will happen and the narrative will continue unabated.
The New York Knicks – Why do I even bother? As Kevin Durant said the Knicks are not what’s cool right now, yet for some reason I keep watching them, even in the preseason. This team is going nowhere ever until Dolan is dead and buried and the team is in the hands of some bro-ey douche finance/ tech guy. Dolan will probably ban me from the garden and accuse me of being a drunk. But good thing no one reads this page so I’m probably safe. Maybe welcome Charles Oakley back and also give a pass to the owners box to the guy banned for yelling “Sell the team” at Dolan. That’s a start. Also re-hire Marv Albert and let him be critical instead of listening to kiss-ass Wally Szerbiak talk about how much grit this team displays. Then maybe someone will consider playing here and restore relevance to the tomb above Penn Station once again.
And that’s it. Until next time, enjoy tomorrow with Different Matt, pinch-hitting for Junoir Blaber.