EL BARRIO, EL FALLS – With another week in the books, I am trying to be useful on weekends. So here I am, writing a whole day earlier to help Team MTM and keep Angry Ward from jumping in/blowing a gasket, bailing me out. (He can save that for Replacement Matt & Different Matt who are apparently busy pointing fingers, not typing). With that, here are the topics for today: Deaths in Knick Family, NY Football Trades, Good Guy Harbaugh.
Deaths in Knick Family: Ever Since I lost my dad, I feel much more empathy when I hear of a death in a player’s family during the season. I mean, the rest of have to deal with the process then an awkward welcome back to work and co-workers you can’t stand asking you, “How you’re doing?” This past week Dennis Smith Jr. of the Knicks lost a close family member and then Reggie Bullock lost a second sister since becoming a professional player, to street violence in his hometown of Baltimore. Now these poor guys will have to try and heal in front of 20,000 fans, not to mention millions more at home. That is tough and I hope people keep that in mind when their game seems a little off these next couple of weeks. Though a different sport, I often try to humanize these players and remember the quote by Jacques Plante “How would you like a job where, every time you make a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?” These players will have to morn in public and that can’t be easy.
NY Football Trades: So, two of the three NY teams made a trade at the deadline. The Bills made their trade a few weeks back. The Jets and Giants did a deal. The Jets sent Leonard Williams to the NY Giants for some draft picks. Williams was a high draft pick that had only managed to become a solid player but not the kind of superstar you expect after being selected 6th overall. New Jets GM, Joe Douglass wants picks as he has a big off-season planned.
Good Guy Harbaugh: We give Jim Harbaugh a lot of crap for being a bit too intense or emotional. It got him ran out of San Fransisco and he is now at Michigan. However, fair credit to Harbaugh on this bit of news. A Michigan recruit from Arizona was set to attend the University and play QB. However, during a physical it was discovered that he had a heart condition. The condition was so bad that he had to immediately retire from the game. Harbaugh and Michigan announced that they plan to honor the player’s scholarship offer, so he can still go to college and get a degree as well as get a head start on a coaching career, which would not be so bad for the kid.
Share your thoughts and come back tomorrow for Cheesy Bruin & his NFL picks. You can also find us on Twitter: @JunoirBlaber, @MeetTheMatts & @Matt_McCarthy00, Instagram– @MeetTheMatts – and Facebook – Meet The Matts