Sports Rain Man: NFL Wild Card Playoff Weekend Review

EL BARRIO, EL FALLS – Happy Monday Damn! The Rain Man is back at it again with another post?!  Damn right I am! Granted, I’m not a workhorse like my idol, Angry Ward, but I can be prolific from time to time, so I am back again today. But enough about me… Here’s my NFL Wild Card Playoff Weekend Review.  


Cincinatti Bengals v Las Vegas Raiders – Joltin’ Joe Burrow is the real deal. After the struggles of Andy Dalton, who made the playoffs a couple of times but couldn’t win a playoff game. It was thought that is was the Franchise but new coach, new players and most importantly picking the best college QB available with the first pick in the draft and finally find out, he is the real deal. Burrow led the Bengals to a strong position and ready to win the game. However, the Las Vegas Raiders were not gonna go quietly and almost broke hearts until an interception by the Bengal defense with 17 seconds on the clock. And just like that Cincy win their first playoff win in 30 years.

Buffalo Bills v New England Patriots – Woooo Hoooo! The birth rate in Buffalo is gonna go up in 9 months. Normally, it is the winning city of the Super Bowl that has an increased birth rate but Buffalo opening a can of whoop-ass on the Pats was impressive. Da Bills dominated all over the field; 2 rushing TDs from Devin Singletary and 5 TDs thrown by Josh Allen is dominant but the defense had a big day too. The D had stops, a couple of sacks and an impressive interception. A 30-point victory over Dr. Evil and company made for a great night in The ‘lo.

Kansas City Chiefs v Pittsburgh Steelers Pittsburgh Head Coach Mike Tomlin is an easy guy to root for, so I wanted to root for him. However, the Chiefs may be the best team in conference and are finding form and gaining momentum. KC came out the gate hot, got up on the Steelers and didn’t slow down. Pittsburgh tried to fight back and their defense is not shabby but the Chiefs offense is super deadly now.


tom-seaver, NY_Post, Meet_The_Matts, George_Thomas_Seaver
The Real Tom Terrific… courtesy of the NY Post


Junoir Blaber

Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs Philadelphia Eagles  – While his ex-coach got his butt whooped, Tom “Terrific” Brady was doing what he does and winning a playoff game. The Bucs weren’t healthy, but they were in good enough shape to win at home against the Eagles. The healthy Bucs’ players all stepped up. Buddy Diaz’s Eagles fought to make the playoffs but looked to be out of steam as the game went on.

 Dallas Cowboys v San Fransisco 49ers – When it comes to the playoffs and playoffs games, the Dallas Cowboys are like the New York Jets. The Jets seem to find unique and more painful ways to lose games in the regular season (see their game against the Bucs two weeks back). In this one, the Cowboys went toe-to-toe with the Fricso Kids and simply just ran out of time. Literally. Dallas was down by a touchdown late but fighting back and on a final drive… one that makes legends. Dak Prescott was looking good. As a pass play broke down with time running down on the clock, Prescott took off running. BUT… he went down too late. He tried to get back up and hurry his team to the line to spike the ball and get one more play but time ran out as the zebras were setting up. Just like that, game over. Cheesy Bruin and Grinding Ax Walt were in tears and San Fran became the only road team to win this weekend… until tonight?

Arizona Cardinals v Los Angeles Rams – So with the 6-game format, we have a Monday night playoff game. This is a tasty feature as the LA Rams face division rival Arizona, who they only just beat out for the division title. The Ax Man already did his preview, so we don’t need to go to that well again. I will add, however, that lthis might be the closest game of the weekend. We will find out tonight.

Thanks for reading, comment below and come back tomorrow for our Ben Whitney, who has lots to say, about what I said.

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About Junoir Blaber 551 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber