It’s Not Easy Easy Being a Mets Fan

This is me, converting bartenders in the Czech Republic into Mets fans.

NOTE: At the risk of pooping in his pants with “food poisoning,” Buddy Diaz couldn’t make his start today.

NEW YORK, NY – Yesterday, Angry Ward brilliantly hit upon a key component that seems to be lost on many of us, including yours truly; that you can go watch your team and have a good time even if that team absolutely sucks. Everyone that’s ever rooted for a team should read his wise words. It may very well offer you some needed/forgotten perspective. One could argue that it’s less enjoyable when you’re expecting your team to win. With that, here are my current thoughts on being a fan of the New York Mets.

Mets Fanatic

It’s no coincidence that much of the impetus for Angry Ward’s epiphany, which unfolded on this site yesterday, was borne from his affection/affliction for the New York Mets. It’s a heavy cross to bear, and one I too carry on sagging, weary shoulders. How/why do we continue on this tragic journey? The short answer is that we are fanatics. And if you are reading this admission of guilt, you’re one as well. After all, the term “fan” is simply short for “fanatic.” A-Dubya and yours truly are Mets fanatics.


While we’re at risk of being carted off to the looney-bin for our fanaticism at any moment, we’re impervious to some sort of responsibility. Some sort of culpability. We’ve invested pieces of ourselves in this franchise, for decades! Voluntarily. This website is damning evidence. However, with age comes perspective. Acceptance, even. That’s how Angry Ward – and John Q Mets Fan – could actually pay to see the Mets stink-up CitiField, with friends, and simply enjoy the night. Moreover, the $45 that he had to fork over for that romantic/nostalgic beer and hotdog didn’t kill his mojo. It didn’t make him furious – and we’re talking about someone whose first name is Angry!

Dazed/Confused Matt

I thank him for that. He’s enlightened me. He’s enabled me to find a kind of Mets Zen… And as fanatical as this will sound, I am looking forward to heading to the ballpark, spending too much money to watch dreadful performances by some sickeningly high-salaried bumbling bums – and enjoying it.

Let’s Go Mets! #LGM #LFGM

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About Matt McCarthy 381 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.