3 Reasons Mets Fans Should Root For Ravens

Mets ColtsFLUSHING, NY – Okay, so you’ve had all kinds of Super Bowl, Pro Bowl and Puppy Bowl stuff stuffed into your stuffing. But we’ve got one niche angle that has absolutely gone uncovered: 3 Reasons Mets Fans Should Root For Ravens.

1) The San Francisco Giants abandoned New York City with the Los Angeles Dodgers of Chavez Ravine. We have it on good authority that if the Giants had indeed remained in Harlem, there never would have been a 49er franchise in the NFL. Therefore, the San Fransisco 49ers on complicit in the ravaging of New York of two beloved baseball teams. Jim Harbaugh, Colon Pumpernickel and even Steve Young have blood on their hands.

2) Jim Irsay and the greedy bast@rds that run the NFL tore the hearts right from Baltimore and its fans by stealing away – literally and figuratively – in the middle of the night. Irsay & Co. packed up their horseshoes and headed for Indianapolis. Baltimore would have burned to the ground had it not been for the fact that it had already indeed been burned to the ground… Further, the Baltimore Colts wore Met blue, as do the Indy Colts. NL baseball fans in NY know full well what it was like to have your team stolen from you, therefore you can empathize and bond with Baltimorians. Plus, the Indy Colts had Peyton Manning. Which leads us to Rasion Trois.

3) Adhering to the time-tested axion/mantra, “Any friend of Mr. Met, is a friend of mine,” we have no choice – sorry Cookie – but to side with Mr. Met and good-guy Peyton Manning, who list Ray Lewis as a chum. These guys are so close that Manning flew Mr. Met out to the AFC Championship Game. In fact, the only people left in the Denver locker-room after that game were Peyton, Ray Lewis, their two sons and… Mr. MetP.s… Peyton traded his Met Indy blue for Met Denver orange, further solidifying our argument.

Father_Peyton Mr_Met Sinner Ray_Lewis Meet_The_Matts
Mr. Met holds Ray, Jr. & Peyton, Jr. “kids” around. Proud dads, Peyton & Ray, chat.

Go Baltimore!

Please feel free to comment below and tune in for Cheesy Bruin, tomorrow. It’s going to be a Super day!

P.s… One side-note; Short Matt is the Men In Black bald guy in this.

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