WEST BROOKLYN, NJ – Yes, I’m back. Many apologies to my fellow writers for not adding my standard barbs to your posts but The Dude was deep in the work weeds in Chicago. I got see people set on fire professionally and watched my friend almost get roofied by prostitutes in the hotel bar (deep in the Viagra triangle). I can barely remember my name and couldn’t pay any attention to the outside world. Well, I’ve emerged from exile and I see that… NOTHING has changed.
Not that I expected much but the sports landscape is almost identical.
The NBA season is well underway and Rick Pitino is now piling on the Knicks, saying he told them to draft Donovan Mitchell but they didn’t listen. Yeah thanks Rick, maybe you could have hired some prostitutes to make your case stronger? I’m sure Jimmy “Mock Neck” Dolan could have used some favors of that nature. Thanks a lot, Captain Hindsight. Gee, great insight there. The present team is so god awful, yet somehow think their fan-base is stupid; having press conferences to say, “Wow! We never saw this coming.” Really? REALLY? Someone please back Dolan up over one of those things at the parking lot you are not supposed to back your car over. Enough already.
The Mets are still being cheaper than a dime store hooker (yes, this a theme here) with their off-season and have finally ponied up a minor league deal for Yankee castoff Chasen Shrieve, while the Braves ink top relievers and the Chisox sign Grandal to catch for them. Both should have been Met moves if the brass cared about winning. But they don’t. Nothing to see here folks.
The NY Rangers still continue their Jekyll and Hyde campaign, looking strong against Holtby, Ovechkin and the Caps yesterday after completely sh-tt_-g the bed against the entire state of Florida previously. Yes, growing pains. But can you guys put together a run of decent games please? Thanks for looking out.
And finally…
The Giants spared us their presence on Sunday’s ticket with the bye week. Um, I think the rest of the season should be a bye week and instead of playing games the fans should be allowed to feed Gettleman and Shurmur to an alligator pit. It would be far more entertaining and have the added benefit of sparing some wear and tear on Barkley and Jones. This team needs like 15 more players at almost every position to compete. The morons on top are not the people to facilitate that. Buh bye to them.
Well thats it for now, and word to the wise when a girl way to pretty for you says hey finish your wine do the right thing and knock it over.
Til next time… enjoy the one and only Short Matt in the Saturday With A Bullet segment.