NEW YORK CITY – I’ve returned from my European vacation and, as Space Ace Frehley would say, I’m back in the New York groove. While I was away, my Warriors dispatched the Celtics in 6 and the Avalanche completed what many felt was inevitable, in winning the Stanley Cup. Also in my absence, the Yankees apparently kept winning and the Mets played well enough to keep the Braves at bay… at least for now. So, what else is happening? Let’s take a look.
Deshaun Watson. When you’re counting on the NFL and NFL Players Association to figure out a fair course of action for inappropriate behavior by one of their own, you’re really scraping whatever lies just beneath the bottom of the barrel. Like the massage therapist(s) said: I’m not gonna touch this one.

Oakland A’s. JG Clancy and I like to kid each other about our respective favorite baseball teams, constantly referring to them as the “Lousy A’s” and “Lousy Mariners.” But now, I’m happy to report that the Oakland Athletics are indeed the lousiest team in all of baseball. Kudos! It’s takes a special brand of lousy to out-suck a team like the Cincinnati Reds. And, as luck would have it, the Lousy A’s are playing the Yankees, and losing in spectacular fashion. As JG would say, Go A’s!
Kyrie Irving and Russell Westbrook Opt In. It brings be nothing but pleasure to hear that Kyrie Irving is coming back to that unbeatable superteam in Brooklyn and Russ Westbrook has decided to let the Lakers pay him $47.1 million this year. It just doesn’t get any better than this. Let’s go now to San Francisco for reaction.
Early Summer Slump. June is almost in the books and I have yet to go to the beach or be invited to a BBQ. What the hell, man?! The beach piece is on me, but where are all of my suburban friends with the grilled meats invites. Did you just move to the Burbs to get away from me? Don’t answer that. You know it’s a truly sad state of affairs when even Short Matt isn’t having you over for one of his infamous BYOB and Tofu Pup shindigs, though I’m guessing his new-ish Upper West Side digs don’t allow for outdoor fire cooking. Anyway, the Summer of Ward starts in July, I guess.
You know what? I think that’s it for today. Don’t want to do too much after a two-week layoff. Like an old man settling into a bathtub, ya gotta take it slow.
Come back tomorrow for Buddy Diaz, who has already opted in for another 5+ years of supermax Knicks fandom.