Giant Excitement, Mets Sign Who?! CM Punk Returns!

HOLBROOK,NY – I have been thinking of a clever way to reintroduce myself each week, and nothing has seemed to come to mind, so let’s just talk about some sports! Here’s what will get us going: Giant Excitement, Mets Sign Who?! CM Punk Returns!

Giant Excitement
The New York Giants continued to show some resilience with a very ugly win against the New England Patriots on Sunday, rookies Jalin Hyatt and Deonte Banks each showed why the future of the Giants may not be so bleak after all. Hyatt, wearing number 13, looked like a previous rookie receiver to don that number – OBJ… Banks has quickly become a shutdown corner for BIG BLUE, sporting one of the better PFF grades among cornerbacks.

The Mets Signed Who?!
The New York Mets signed the oft-injured Luis Severino to a one-year, 13-million dollar contract on Wednesday. I’m a bit baffled at this move, as Severino looked like the worst pitcher in the sport(s) last year! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I trust David Stearns. I will not jump to any ridiculous conclusions – for now –  but it is hard to see the logic in this move… even if it is just one season.

Cm Punk Returns!!!

Jackson Sternberg

Where do I even begin? CM Punk has been gone from #WWE for TEN YEARS. For those who do not understand the magnitude of this move, let me give some examples:
Mets fans: this would be as if David Wright – in his prime – came back
Giants fans: This is wrestling’s version of the Helmet Catch
Jets fans: This would be like Getting Arron Rodgers!… too soon??

Cm Punk has been adored by diehard wrestling fans like myself since I was  11 or 12 years old. His return has fans buzzing and for good reason; The dream matches range from the current champions Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, to workhorse type performers like Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. It is an amazing time to be a pro wrestling fan and to quote one of our own here at MTM, – JBL once said, “CM Punk may be the best wrestler in the world.”

Here’s JBL with our partners….

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About Jackson Sternberg 46 Articles
Jackson and his twin brother Jacob are son's of MTM legend, Al Sternberg. Being the youngest of the twins by 10 minutes, Jackson knows the value of time. Look for him and Jacob to collaborate and/or create separately. Family quirk: the twins don Speedos when wake-boarding on Long Island's beaches.