Blaber’s Blabberings: Football, Fantasy Football, HGH Football and Retired Footballers

September 7, 2013 Junoir Blaber 12

EL BARRIO, THE BRONX – I have no idea who I am up to bat for, at all. I just got the call, grabbed the […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: A-Rod or A-Rat, NCAA vs Steven Rhodes, Sanchise, Ulf’s back!

August 21, 2013 Junoir Blaber 32

EL BARRIO, THE BRONX – First, A-Rod is a snitch. With that out of the way, instead of the usual Wednesday musings of an Angry […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: NCAA Organized Crime, A-Rod, Putin and Gaylimpics

August 8, 2013 Junoir Blaber 25

El Barrio, Bronx, NY – Guess who got the eagerly anticipated MTM Writer’s Booty Call. You know, all the fun supermarket-aisle-clean up without the joyous […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: Baseball woes, Detroit Fire Sale, Ryan Braun, Sandlot 20th, Pedoria

July 24, 2013 Junoir Blaber 37

New York, NY – Following Baseball’s All-Star break, we have the city of Detroit filing for Bankruptcy, Ryan Braun being busted, The Sandlot turning 20 […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: NY Mets Duo Matt Harvey, Zack Wheeler Need Nicknames

July 4, 2013 Junoir Blaber 24

Happy Birthday, America! ANOTHER FALSE DAWN, NY – Sitting here in my Bronx apt with my New York Metropolitans hat on, reading about their rookie […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: Chasing The Dream Or Rooting For A Loser?

May 28, 2013 Junoir Blaber 39

NEW YORK, NY – Not only is yours truly Chasing The Dream but I am following West Coast Craig’s stellar performance yesterday with this pinch-hit […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: The NBA v NHL Playoff Schedule

May 14, 2013 Junoir Blaber 21

New York, NY – Junnie-wah (Yup, I made up my own nickname) has been called off the bench to pinch hit and I got one […]

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MMA vs, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender Throwdown

April 13, 2013 Junoir Blaber 8

NEW YORK, NY – Welcome to the MTM Octagon of Sports Comedy (sponsored by Khan’s Franks) with yours truly off the MTM Writer’s Bench and […]

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LeBron Isn’t Tough

June 21, 2012 Junoir Blaber 27

Bronx Bullpen, NY – “Hey kid, we need ya. Give it all ya got.” That was me poetic waxing from Short Matt needing me to fill […]

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NFC QB Review

November 17, 2011 Junoir Blaber 19

BRONX, NY – Last week I graded the AFC QBs at the NFL season’s midpoint, so as promised – here is the NFC Review. Dallas […]

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