Angry Ward Wednesday: Everything I Know About Sports I Learned from ’80s Movies

October 23, 2013 Angry Ward 20

New York, NY – After Management denied my vacation request this week, I toyed with the idea of titling today’s column 5 Years a Slave, but […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: I Hate Football

October 16, 2013 Angry Ward 25

NEW YORK, NY – It’s official, I hate football. This comes as something of a surprise, in that football was my entire universe as a […]

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Ay Papi! Oy Torii! A Good Baseball Moment

October 14, 2013 West Coast Craig 22

LOS ANGELES, CA – I’ve only got a few weeks left to write about baseball, so I’m going to take advantage. I just can’t muster […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: First-place Jets, Fantasy Football Disease, MLB Playoffs, Puck Faces

October 12, 2013 Junoir Blaber 13

EL BARIO, BRONX – “Venegence is mine sayth the lord!” Welcome to the Church of JB. I am Deacon Blaber and I will control the […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: Breaking Bad Chad Curtis, Choking in Atlanta, Univer$ity of (your name here)

October 9, 2013 Angry Ward 27

New York, NY – While everyone and their granny is all abuzz about the always-scintillating NBA preseason and how there could be up to three teams […]

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MLB Playoffs, Harvey Wallbanger, NHL Puck Faces, Kiko Alonso, Alabama Suspends Ha Ha

October 5, 2013 Junoir Blaber 10

“Love each other as Jesus loved the church.” -not Yim (JG Clancy’s religion) EL BARIO, BRONX – Welcome to another Saturday sermon with yours truly. […]

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Great time of year: Play-In’s, Playoffs, and Hockey!

October 4, 2013 Different Matt 23

NEW YORK, NY – What a great week its been. While the government has shut its doors and is doing marginally less than they usually […]

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Cookie’s Corner: No More Bikinis but Sports Stuff has Me Smiling

September 27, 2013 Cookie 15

NEW YORK, NY – Despite what could’ve been a column littered with complaints about fall being here, lamenting the end of days for bikinis, tanning […]

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NFL Surprises So Far…

September 26, 2013 Cam James 19

ST. LOUIS, MO – Three weeks into the NFL season and there are few NFL Surprises greater than the fact that the Giants are 0-3 and […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: Job Hunting at ESPN, New York Mets, Baltimore Ravens Strippers

September 25, 2013 Angry Ward 39

NEW YORK, NY – Another Wednesday already? Holy crap! These column obligations are piling up like Eli Manning sacks or Eli Manning interceptions or unanswered Tiki […]

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