Rain Man Rants: NFL News, NBA News, NHL News

EL BARRIO, EL FALLS – I text his majesty, Lord Baldie of Smalltown about my RugbyWrapUp.com piece to let him know, its ready and he of course makes an ask. Do I mind moving up in the line-up a day? I say probably not but when are you talking about doing this? He says starting tomorrow and probably only for tomorrow!! So now I am a regular and pinch hitting. Life doesn’t get much better (or worse) than this. So with little prep time, I fall back to the good ol’ formula of the Song of the Week – followed by Sports Stuff. In today’s mix: NFL News, NBA News, NHL News.

Song of the Week: I was telling a friend of mine how I mainly listen to podcasts now. He asked how do podcasts work? I was shocked apparently he listens to Sirius and Pandora so lots of music still. I asked about Spotify and he said yes so we talk about their daily mix he didn’t listen to his, but I did. In my mix that I have been bumping all week is the song of the week. So this week’s Song of the Week is Real Hip Hop by Das EFX.

NFL News: It looking like Saquon Barkley will go number 1 to the Browns. See ya Saq, nice knowing you; Enjoy the black hole that is the Cleveland Browns. I am sure he will help the offense a bit by buying the QB (Which the Browns still need desperately!!) an extra defender in box but even if he is the second coming of Adrian Peterson, lets remember how all those good years help the Minnesota Vikings win a …. You know what lets not. Speaking of the Vikings it looks like they have the inside track on Kirk Cousins followed by Denver Broncos and then the NY Jets. It is interesting that there is fan on the writing staff for each team, so the smack talk will be great. The only team making waves in free agency so far are the Rams as they seem to be gobbling up Pro bowl corner backs which means they will likely blitz a lot next season.

NBA News: The San Antonio Spurs are struggling and could face the actual reality of not making the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. This is a problem because Spurs coach Greg Popovich is an outspoken coach and that is great and all but if he is struggling at his day job, the trolls will be out in full force. The hopes of the NBA rest on the ankles of Steph Curry who got hurt last night. Curry battling with Lebron James is this generations’ Bird v Magic and he needs to be healthy for this to work. If he is not, this years trophy goes to Cleveland. Finally, Derek Rose has been re-united with Tom Thibodeau and 3 teammates from the Bulls as well as his old assistant coaches. Rose isn’t the player he was when he came out of college to play for Thibs but he could be a useful bench option and veteran leader for a very young Minnesota Timberwolves franchise.

NHL News: The New York Rangers went on a 3 game winning streak after all the trades before losing 2 straight. They will limp along the rest of the season, because they are what they are and if they make the 8th spot it will be a miracle. The Las Vegas Golden Knights don’t seem to be fading and seem to be the real deal. They will definitely be in the playoffs. I think this year’s winner will be either Tampa Bay, Boston, Carolina, or Nashville hoisting the cup this year.

Leave your thoughts below and come back tomorrow for another gem of a column by Cheesy Bruin. You can also find us on Twitter – @JunoirBlaber, @MeetTheMatts & @Matt_McCarthy00, Instagram – @MeetTheMatts – and Facebook Meet The Matts.

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About Junoir Blaber 551 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber