Crypto Sports Sponsors, Nantz vs Romo, Rangers Phlog Phlyers

NEW YORK, NY – With Cam James being unavailable this week for something you WIIGs (Wannabe Instagram Influencers Generation) call vacation, yours truly is once again, coming to the rescue. Here are three metaphorical preservers for you to grab: Crypto Sports Sponsors, Nantz vs Romo, Rangers Phlog Phlyers

Crypto Sports Sponsors

This is something, again, that is more likely in the purview of a Ben Whitney or the aforementioned Cam James [AHEM] but I’ll take a stab at it. Money and sports have, and always will be, forever entangled. Often, it’s not exactly a sound relationship. Look no further than the JG Clancy’s NCAA. “Hip Hip… Hypocrisy!!!” The naming of stadiums or arenas can be shady and is always an annoying reminder of just how greedy we can be. Citi Field, for instance, was accurately dubbed Debit Field after taxpayers were called upon to bail out Citi Bank and other big businesses deemed “too big to fail.” What still is Amazin’ to me is that the Mets and Citi Bank honchos had the balls to leave the name in place during the whole thing… Cut to last week. became the first cryptocurrency exchange to align with a big four franchise, announcing a partnership with the Montreal Canadiens. How this translates into toonies is anyone’s guess but I know, deep in my bones, that somehow this trend will come back to haunt the Mets. Is this a real currency or is this just the dot com boom that left many of us torched? Ben and Cam, throw a brother a bone here. Oh wait, Cam can’t comment because he’s on vacation! Angry Ward is disgusted some place.

Nantz vs Romo

The big news for CBS is that Jim Nantz is staying put. I like Nantz. He’s not annoying or self-absorbed, like Joe Buck. But he works with a guy I simultaneously like and find irritating, Tony Romo. Maybe it’s that Dallas Cowboy thing, as I’m a Giants fan. Irregardless Regardless, Nantz has to be a both annoyed and irritated that he has work next to a guy getting $12,000,00000 more per year… to do color! Take it from a fellow play-by-play guy, color commentary is no where near as difficult asĀ  calling the game. You can pretty much script your lines ahead of time and use them during stoppages as the color guy. Yet, Nantz is being brought back at 6.5 million per, to Tony’s 18 million per, for 10 years. That is just disturbing on all levels for me. That’s 16 games a year to come up with anecdotes and analyze plays. Granted, as Ben Whitney has pointed out, Romo is good. But 18 mil per good? Come on.

Rangers Phlog Phlyers

I always feel good when the Yankees lose and the Rangers beat the Flyers. Sure, that screams of issues that need attention but why fix something that ain’t broke! And gosh, by golly, how about that Mika Zibanejad?! A 2nd consecutive hat trick and a 6-point game. Hell, the best thing to happen to this team is The Rona, as acting head coach Chuck Kris Knoblauch is 4-1 subbing for David “Wally Pipp” Quinn. With the Russian’s rolling again, all things are looking up in Rangerland. It’s just gravy that it’s at the expense of Philadelphia.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.