Baker Mayfield & Phil Castellini

No helmet laws for the Sooners? Castellini, rhymes with "weenie."

NORMAN, OK – If you missed yesterday’s piece by Aristotle – yes, that’s his real name – go have a looksie. It’s cool Bronx Tale re the Prince and Princess of Flushing, Tom and Nancy Seaver. As for today, yours truly has lined up these main courses: Baker Mayfield & Phil Castellini

Baker Mayfield

Not sure what your take on Mr. Mayfield is but I like the guy. I know, right? Crazier still, I think the guy can win as a QB in the NFL. He got the Cleveland Browns to the flocking playoffs, fer crissakes. Until that point they were like the Cincinnati Reds of football (more on them below)… Last year the guy toughed out a season with a torn labrum in non-throwing shoulder and had offseason surgery. As someone that has had this injury operated on – and currently has to have the same thing done in “the good shoulder,” I can tell you it is painful 24/7. You have much difficulty getting comfortable sitting down or sleeping. Trotting out on the gridiron with some brace doesn’t help. And this guy played a season with this thing. Some said it was just an excuse – that he was milking it. I don’t think so. But don’t take my word(s) for it, take his Case Keenum’s – the guy that benefited most if Mayfield went down:

“One of the gutsiest, toughest performances from a quarterback in a season I’ve ever seen. One of the toughest guys I know. He’s a fighter and came to fight every day. … Tremendous amount of respect for him, and it grew. There were some weeks; getting [Mayfield] onto the field was a small miracle.”

Some team should grab Mayfield. He is a football player.

Phil Castellini

Ol’ Phil is the son of the aforementioned Cincinnatti Reds’ owner, Bob Castellini. And this dynamic duo of douches make Fred and Jeff Wilpon look like the greatest owners ever. When out-of-touch, douche son Phil was questioned about the sh*t-show the Reds have been for decades and fans calling for them to sell the team, the had this gem of a reply:

“Well, where are you going to go? Sell the team to who? That’s the other thing: You want to have this debate? …. What would you do with this team to have it more profitable, make more money, compete more in the current economic system that this game exist? It would be to pick it up and move it somewhere else. Be careful what you ask for… The answer is are you going to abandon being a Reds fan? Are you going to abandon following this team? We haven’t abandoned it. We haven’t abandoned investing in the team and the community. The point is how about everybody just settle down, celebrate and cheer for the team. You can hate on us all you want. We’re not going anywhere. We haven’t abandoned our commitment to winning and investing in this franchise and in this community.”

Thank god for Steve Cohen.

That’s it for today… Gotta go to Hoboken for some professional rugby. You should embrace this game. It’s growing in the college realm as well.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.