MLB September Saviors and… The Rugby Freak

NEW YORK, NY – The day has finally arrived! September call-ups hearken miracles of your, as Major League Baseball expands their rosters for the remainder of the season. And while certain teams are cruising toward the postseason, some are relying on an influx of promising youth to give the fans hope so that they come to games and spend money on beer. I will be one of those people that spends money on beer. Thus, half of today’s headline: MLB September Saviors and… The Rugby Freak

September Saviors

The next Willie Mays, Roberto Clemente and Ted Williams will be showcasing themselves in MLB ballparks throughout the land, as of this weekend. Get ready for The Land of Hopes & Dreams, Bruce Springsteen’s latest anthem (which I’ll likely hear him sing tonight at GIANTS STADIUM), that will be echoing over stadium sound systems from Flushing to Anaheim. The Mets and Yankees will be leading the “future’s” charge from the bottom, luring fans with hype, promises of grandeur and “what ifs” – just to make sure we all spend that money on high-priced beer. It’s gonna be great!

The Rugby Freak

SMALL TOWN, CO – with the Rugby World Cup looming, most eyes are on the international tournament. In the United States, that interest isn’t as high as it should be because Team USA fell to qualify. That doesn’t mean, however that rugby isn’t going on in America. In fact, Team USA has been playing international test matches and has an upcoming match against Top 14 powerhouse Toulouse in Utah. And one of the biggest stories out of Eagles camp is that of Kaleb “The Counter” Geiger, the Rugby New York front row phenom with the freakish athleticism. The new father (this week!) talks of being discovered in a bar by what is now the American Raptors, switching from college football and baseball to rugby and… Physics!

MLR News/Rumors from Rugby Morning’s John Fitzpatrick
Chicago Hounds and Dallas Jackals analysis with Bryan Ray of Americas Rugby News



Don’t miss this week’s The Rugby Odds!

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off,, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.