Blaber’s Blabberings: Super Bowl Bye Week, Pro Bowl, Winter Olympics, and Baseball

January 25, 2014 Junoir Blaber 10

EL BARIO, BRONX – The Polar Vortex was foretold last week but my Yimness! It has been so cold the Good Deacon Blaber, yours truly, […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: NFL Playoffs, London Nets, Kinetic Knicks, Mock NFL Drafts, Polar Vortex

January 18, 2014 Junoir Blaber 13

EL BARIO, BRONX –  ‘Tis a beautiful Saturday, this, the third Saturday of the first month in the Two Thousandth and Fourteenth year of his […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: Prima Donnas, Baseball Writers, Coaching Carousel, Resurgent Knicks, JR Smith

January 11, 2014 Junoir Blaber 30

EL BARIO, BRONX – Let us give our Lord and Savior (Yim) praise for surviving another week. On this the second day of the first […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: New Year Resolution for Worst Pro Teams

December 28, 2013 Junoir Blaber 15

EL BARIO, BRONX – Last week, we looked at the Christmas Wishlist of the New York Teams. It was a very New York-centric piece, so […]

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Blaber’s Blabberings: New York Sports Teams Christmas Wishlist For White Santa

December 21, 2013 Junoir Blaber 26

EL BARIO, BRONX – The time to celebrate the birth of our Lord (the white one) and Savior is near. With that, listen to the […]

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