Blaber’s Blabberings: NFL Domestic Abuse Policy Pros and Cons

NFL Domestic Abuse = $$$

“My disciplinary decision led the public to question our sincerity, our commitment and whether we understood the toll that domestic violence inflicts on so many families.” – Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner

-Lately, right after your Righteous Deacon Blaber finishes pontificating from the Sports Bully Pulpit, a huge talking point gets release because the weekend is when you put out things that you want to die quietly. The NFL attempted to that when they announced they had emailed team owners a new domestic abuse policy – on Saturday morning of a 3-day weekend. But it didn’t escape my eye or that of NFL analysts. See, my burning desire to expose NFL hypocrisy is almost as intense as MTM’s Al Sternberg‘s desire to expose Sandy Alderson as incompetent.

Under the new policy, which falls under the personal conduct policy overseen by Goodell:
Players would be suspended at least six games for a first offense and would face a lifetime ban for a second. The letter also specifies that the new penalties apply to all NFL personnel, not just players.


So… It appears Sheriff Goodell is back in town after taking a leave of absence because of a momentary lapse of sanity. Goodell got his feelings hurt as fans and the media were insulted by his two-week suspension of Ray Rice. Unless you live under a rock, you know Rice was caught on video punching his then fiancée and dragging her unconscious body out of the elevator… by her hair [extensions]. On the surface this looks like Goodell admitting he made a mistake and is trying to make sure he sends a message that it won’t be tolerated again. However, keep in mind is that sociopaths & egotists often view it as important for you to like them – because it becomes easier for them to manipulate you.

Goodell wants the NFL to stay America’s number 1 sport. He already has fooled many into believing that football on Monday, Thursday, [soon-to-be] Friday and Saturday is a good idea. He wants to continue claiming the NFL is a non-profit – along with his multi-million dollar salary. He wants you to believe he cares about player welfare; hence the new rules instituted (under public pressure) and settlement with retired players (under public pressure again!).  Don’t let him pull the wool over your eyes with these policies.

Mama said knock you out!
Mama said, knock you out!

Here are some issues with the policy that haven’t been addressed that are being swept under the rug:
1) Does this affect any action that occurred prior to the announcement?
2) This policy is directed at the players. He says all personnel, but look at the history of these cases and it is exclusively players.
3) Is he going to offer more classes to incoming and current players? By classes I mean preventive information and help options?
I am not dismissing blame on the guys for hitting a woman. However, this is like the war on drugs. Tougher laws and punishment are not going to stop the problem unless preventative measures to reduce the demand is created. These players are often young men in their twenties, with lots of cash and time. With no cash and little time, I messed up big in my twenties. These guys only know to look for a woman with the assets in the front and backyard they desire. They are not well-equipped to deal with the gold-diggers and schemers that their new fame attracts. Now, thanks to Goodell, these women have a new shiny new weapon to possibly use.
4) Is he prepared for the outrage by fans and owners when player performance drops because court cases go on endlessly as players will now be advised against settling by their lawyers.
5) This law would still be irrelevant in the Ray Rice situation as he went on to marry the girl, thereby preventing a court case. Which proves by waiting for a conviction, he takes complete pressure of himself since it means the incident is something he never has to make a decision on until the individual is found guilty. But talking tough sounds nice.

As expected within a week of it becoming policy, it is under scrutiny.
-Wide receiver Quincy Enunwa, a rookie practice squad player with the New York Jets, was arrested Sunday in Florham Park, N.J., on a charge of simple assault following an alleged domestic violence dispute with his girlfriend – according to the Florham Park Police Department.
-Also Sunday, defensive tackle Ray McDonald of the San Francisco 49ers was arrested on domestic violence charges following an alleged incident at his 30th birthday party.
Now we will see what happens when a good idea in theory is put to the test. Currently both players are still with their respective teams.

That is it for now, hope you enjoyed the article and hope to hear from you below. is up tomorrow.

P.s… If you want to read more of my ramblings as a Rugby Guy, you can find them on and our Facebook Rugby Wrap Up Page and follow us on Twitter @RugbyWrapUp and @JunoirBlaber, respectively.

And as always, stay low and keep pumping those legs.

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About Junoir Blaber 551 Articles
Junoir Blaber is from Ghana but was transplanted to the Bronx as a young lion chaser. Blaber is the Sports Rain Man, and is a featured contributor on MTM's global partner, Rugby Wrap Up. The name "Junoir" [June-noire] is his cool African name. (Or is that a possible prevarication?) He is Manute Bol's [alleged] nephew and his teams are the Mets, Jets, Knicks & NY Rangers... oh, and Manchester United. Yes, he knows soccer. [Vomit sounds]. P.s... He has webbed toes and can be followed on Twitter here: @JunoirBlaber