NEW YORK, NY – To steal an adjective from Bob Murphy, it’s marvelous outside today in Mattville, so let’s cut right to the chase so we can all go out and chase down a few adult beverages. And that chase ends at today’s MTM Spectacular Sunday Sports Quiz…
And we are giving you the answers, so you can stop looking so stupid at the local gin mill or Game Of Thrones party.
1: Is it Lebron, Le Bron or LeBron? Don’t worry about being embarrassed; the MTM Edit Staff can tell you definitively that three quarters of our pundits get it wrong. Repeatedly. It’s LeBron. Hopefully Junoir Blaber, Ben Whitney and Replacement Matt are reading today.
2: Is is Superbowl, Super Bowl or Big Game? This is a trick answer. If you don’t want to be sued by the gluttonous NFL owners, it’s “Big Game.” If you want seem like you have actually been relatively aware of the biggest sporting event in your existence, it’s Super Bowl.
3: The recently fired GM of the J-E-T-S is Mike Maccagnan, Mike McCagnan or Mike Maccaganan? This one is bit tougher, as the guy was in town for a cup of coffee before he finally caught an acute case of Gang Green. It’s Mike Maccagnan, according to a recent Quinnicpack Poll… You got that, Sports Rain Man?
4: Is it Jacob DeGrom, Jacob DeGromb, Jacob de Grom or Jacob deGrom? According to our MIAT, (Matts’ Internal Audit Team), Angry Ward is the ONLY writer here that gets this write Wright right. It’s Jacob deGrom.
5: Were the acquisitions of Robinson Cano, Todd Frazier, Jason Vargas, Jeurys Familia (could have easily made our quiz) and Jed Lowrie smart ones? Some of these were made by Brodie Vanwagenenenen (should have made the quiz), two were not. This is a two-parter that will impress everyone. A) Frazier and Vargas were not brought in by Bro-Vans. B) They were all Amazinly Awful acquisitions.
And there you have it! You are now infinitely less embarrassing to people already knowing these basics. Have a marvelous day!