Happy Father’s Day Tribute: Things We Wouldn’t Have In Sports Without Fathers

NEW YORK, NY –  When you knock on one door and nobody opens it (like Cheesy Bruin’s today), you knock on another. When nobody opens that one – or any doors you knock on – like those belonging to the rest of the MTM Staff, you end up writing a column… instead of taking your wife out for breakfast, like you promised. Damn you, Cheesy Bruin! Anyway… Happy Father’s Day, everybody! With that, here are some Things We Wouldn’t Have In Sports Without Fathers. See? It’s a win-win!


A buck is, by one definition, a male. And there are about 12 of them in Milwaukee that just took a sledgehammer to the NBA Championship parade planned around the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn. (Sorry, Vinny From Brooklyn).  The Brooklyn Nets, you may have heard, are headed to the golf course. Sure, they were playing without Kyrie Irving and James Harden was definitely not 100% but Durant went 0-6 in OT and the bench did not score a point. Their fathers will be upset… and did anyone really think Irving would be in the mix at the end?


If Gerry Quarry and Chuck Wepner had a son and raised him in Northern Ireland, it would be Tyson Fury. Except for one thing – he’s a pretty good boxer for someone that looks better with his shirt on. He’s the the fighter from the Emerald Isle this pundit likes most – and I do like Conor McGreggor.


Remember this guy? He’s the UFC fighter that kicked the aforementioned McGreggor’s ass. That was no small feat. What I like about him, though, is that he is a fellow vegan. That puts me, him, Arnold, Sting, Tompa Brady and Billy Clinton on the same team.


Mr. Cohen is tops in my book. Sure, his son may have made some jack in an unsavory fashion, but come on, he’s no Jerry Jones. All of these professional sports owners [allegedly] have dirt of their hands.

And on a serious note…


Just read this. I’m floored by this man (who played for the Saints) and now fully rooting for him and his son.


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www.MeetTheMatts.com started out as a NY Mets website and organically grew into an entity covering all professional sports. Our daily contributors, as diverse as they may be, share two important traits: -They toil for the "love of the game..." -They have a sense of humor. This is, after all, sports entertainment.