Yankees Not That Bad, 7 Inning Games, Jacob deGrom vs All-Star Game

Short Matt & Pete Rose

NEW YORK, NY – With the biblical rains that have the subway flooded and double-headers being played every other day, I’m taking time out from helping Syndergaard from building Noah’s ark to pen this piece. Here’s what we’ll be looking at today, class: Yankees Not That Bad, 7 Inning Games, Jacob deGrom vs All-Star Game.

Yankees Not That Bad

As someone that loathes the New York Yankees as much as the Dallas Cowboys, I get great pleasure from two things: 1) A Stankee loss 2) Stanks fans whining… The latter of the two is the stuff of a spoiled, fat child crying over not getting a third bowl of ice cream. As a lifelong NY Mets fan, at .517 winning percentage in July would have me doing backwards somersaults. Sure, the Bronx Bombers have mostly been duds thus far, with their vaunted offense yet to detonate, but they are still very much in the playoff picture. After winning 4-0 yesterday, they are sit 3.5 out of a Wild Card spot. They are in this position despite everything going awry and players collectively under performing by wide margins. THIS WILL NOT CONTINUE. The Law of Averages takes is absolute in baseball and the Pinstripers will definitely see things swing the other way (if only they swing the other way)… SUGGESTION: Stop babying fragile players, put Stanton in the outfield and inform the squad that starters will be playing 95% of the games the rest of the way. Then just let things play out. You can bet the mortgage that they will be in the post-season hunt in September – and it PAINS ME to say that.

7 Inning Games

The aforementioned End of Days rains that we’ve been getting hammered with here in the northeast have wreaked havoc on the baseball schedule. The Mets are playing so many double headers that I think it’s weird when they are only playing 1 game. It’s watered down the pitching, literally and figuratively. [Ba Doom Cha]. What’s bugs me is that they have these COVID-cursed 7 inning games as split admission tickets. Are we getting 20% off the retail price? We’re seeing 20% less, after all. And have you seen traffic and exit/enter logjams at some parks? Once again #MLB chooses to club us fans like baby seals rather than welcome us back with grateful, open arms. Do they cut you off in the 5th inning for these? And what happens to Take Me Out To The Ballgame?


Jacob deGrom vs All-Star Game

The best pitcher in eons is getting grief for skipping the All-Star Game. This not only makes Jacob Anthony deGrom the best pitcher on the planet, but simultaneously establishes him as the first person to employ common sense in the New York Mets organization since Frank Cashen. Let’s see, he’s been hurt three times, yet put up record-breaking numbers despite his team absolutely sucking when he takes the ball, yet there are those out there that say he should honor the game by playing. What happened to putting the team first in a pennant race, especially when they CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE YOU?! That’s what #deGrom is doing, Ladies & Germs. To argue that he is doing something wrong, or committing some crime against baseball tradition, is the dopiest thing you could think. True baseball fans would be kicking themselves in the ass for the rest of the summer if this guy got hurt pitching in Colorado’s thin air in a meaningless baseball game… Don’t give me the home-field advantage argument. That’s for the World Series. We’re talking about keeping an ace healthy for a second half in which EVERY START of his will be critical – and likely with an anemic offense. As a Mets fan that inhales with his every twitch, I’m grateful for this decision. Go put your feet up and chill, Jake. You made the right choice.

That’s allĀ  for now. Please feel free to comment below and come back tomorrow for Cheesy Bruin, who has webbed feet… so he’s good with all this rain.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off, RugbyWrapUp.com, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.