Fat Guy’s Lament: When Vogelbach & Bartolo Become Oafs, WWE Legend Goes Rugby

MLB, Daniel Vogelbach, Bartolo Colon, John Bradshaw Layfield, Pete Alonso, Steve Cohen, Meet_The_Matts, Matt-McCarthy, Mets, Google Alerts, #GoogleAlerts
Put Vogie in CF... Bring back Bart!

NEW YORK, NY – Apologies for the late start today but our starting rotation is rivaling that of the NY Mets: they keep coming up with reasons we’ve never heard before as per being last-minute scratches! Granted, the pay scale is slightly different. Oh, and we reached out to Joey Lucchesi but he’s pitching every 5 minutes for the Amazins… so here I am, your poor man’s David Peterson. Anyway, here’s what I’m pitching today: Fat Guy’s Lament: When Vogelbach & Bartolo Become Oafs, WWE Legend Goes Rugby.

Fat Guy’s Lament: When Vogelbach & Bartolo Become Oafs

You know when fat guys on you’re team are fun? When your team sucks or when your team is really good. The chubby guy also need to be performing relatively well. Those are the only times. Seeing Bartolo Colon shake his fat in the dugout made me simultaneously smile and scowl. It was funny in the very short term but it could also send a VERY WRONG MESSAGE to younger players. Enter Daniel Vogelbach. The new-car smell is good. The brass has tarnished. The bloom is off the rose. The jury is in. The verdict? Vogie’s gotta go. He’s supposed to be a home run threat. He ain’t. He likes walks, which is exactly what you DON’T WANT from a fat guy. Fat guys clog the bases. Fat guys can’t go 1st to 3rd. Fat guys can’t score on most sac flies or even passed balls to the backstop. On a team that is either pressing or just sucks, the last thing Buck Showalter needs is dumping whale oil on the fire. It was fun for two months last year. It ain’t fun now. Vogelbach’s only role with the Mets should be that of a late inning pinch-hitter or rain-delay entertainment act. Let him flop around on the wet turf. He won’t need to stuff his shirt. He has now, unfortunately, become an oaf.

WWE Legend Goes Rugby

John Bradshaw Layfield holds the record for most years having the WWE Smackdown Belt. He’s also my co-host on The Rugby Odds. He’s an entertainment professional with 720,000 Twitter followers.

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About Matt McCarthy 379 Articles
Matt McCarthy, is the MTM founder and consequently wears many hats: Director, Editor, Writer, Web guy and Podcaster... Also known as Short Matt, he's also a two-bit actor, voice-over pro, rugby, baseball and ice hockey player and likes hazelnut coffee with rice milk, while strolling in the sand, listening to foreign films... Matt also moonlights on MTM spin-off, RugbyWrapUp.com, often wearing a wig and glasses while butchering a Kiwi accent.