NEW YORK, NY – Hopefully this finds you relaxed and enjoying a sun-splashed Sunday in a park full of puppies. Or doing whatever floats your boat. You know what floats my boat? Putting my fingers to the keyboard and adding something for us to think about! F*ck yeah! Woot-woot!!! Can I get a holla?! Let’s go! Let’s do this! That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Here’s what I got: Kenyon Martin Judging Julius Randle, Yankees Radio, MLB Needs Beanball Threat.
Kenyon Martin Judging Julius Randle
Often, what comes with being a professional athlete in NYC is a layer of unreasonable expectation. When an athlete emerges as a top player, us fanatics (that’s what fans is short for, numb-nuts) expect more than advertised. We demand it, even. Looking at the Julius Randle situation from a relatively objective standpoint, yours humbly sees a guy that can play the game of basketball but may not fully understand what his role is. That ain’t his fault, folks. He was also going to work with a pretty significantly sprained ankle. Most of us can get by at our jobs with a bad wheel. However, a 6’8″ NBA star, who relies on elite mobility, exceptional lateral movement and freakish jumping ability, will struggle. Indeed, Randle was clearly not 100% – yet we judge him as though he was… Enter Kenyon Martin, who I always liked as a player. Martin took Judging Julius (debuting on the WB next week) one step further, criticizing the guy for kissing his wife on the court immediately after the Knicks won Game 5. C’mon, K-Mart! They guy’s team won, he played injured, and he celebrated with his wife and kids! It’s not like he was mauling a Kardashian after a loss. Mrs. Randle responded appropriately, though. Click this.
Yankees Radio
Anything the New York Yankees do well on the diamond, is undone immediately in their broadcast booth(s). Yesterday, for instance, I tuned in to WFAN, not realizing the Stanks were playing. Much to my glee, John Sterling’s fill-in was worse than… wait for it… John Sterling! That’s quite a feat, Ladies & Germs! This guy’s home run call was comically bad, again – worse than Sterling’s. And the TV team is nearly as bad as the radio poop. So sports fans, any time you aren’t feeling great about your team, tune in to a Yankees broadcast, especially on the radio. You’ll feel infinitely better, instantly.
Yo, Adrienne!
And just when you thought baseball was boring, we give you Adrienne Fabi – have a looksie.
The action wasn’t just on the field at the Phillies game today pic.twitter.com/EwlGpBC5RX
— Crossing Broad (@CrossingBroad) May 10, 2023
MLB Needs Beanball Threat
There are old farts out there – like Phil Mushnick – lamenting the showboating and behavior they deem disrespectful in all of sports – but particularly baseball. There are also those of you out there that slam the table with a ham-fisted harumph, bemoaning the cheating that goes on in sports – again, particularly in MLB. I say bollix to all of you! But my dismissal of your concerns comes with a time-tested solution: let pitchers hit batters. Bring back the ol’ beanball and let players police themselves. Let’s get that time machine cranking and insert a 30-year-old Bob Gibson and Nolan Ryan into today’s mix, with their era’s rules. The showboating would get reduced significantly and the substances-on-the-hands thingy would vanish – because they would all be doing it.
That’s it for me. Feel free to leave your comments below.