Who’s To Blame For The Yankees Struggles?

SPANISH HARLEM – The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. Thank you, Albert Einstein, and believe me when I tell you, that was one smart dude.

So here we are with the Yankees, who have gone through their yearly struggles and seem lost (again). This has happened for the last 4 years, which coincides with the Hal, Boone and Cashman era. I am ready to blow this up and think Hal’s has to be thinking about a new front office to lead this organization. Something is functionally wrong here and it’s like they try to put a bandage over a gaping hole of blood.

Cashman has made some really good moves for the Yankees throughout his tenor and Boone is just Cashman’s puppet. He knew what he signed up for and is technically doing his job correctly. So, no fault there and Cashman somehow doesn’t notice that his flaw is believing that analytics is everything. At this point, every team uses it but when you surround this team with nothing but number guys, how do you expect them to act when those numbers don’t translate.

This is baseball and while you need the physical traits to succeed, you won’t do a lick of anything without respecting the mental aspect part. Who do we have in the clubhouse that will push these players when they are down, who do we have that can rile this team up when its needed… absolutely nobody, that’s who.

Bummin’ Buddy Diaz

I believe the best teams incorporate both the analytical and mental part of the game. Year after year, I feel puts more importance on analytics. The numbers get punched out and Boone carries out what they give him. We don’t have a leader on the field that is also a manager, we have a guy that loves his players but can’t provide much more, whether that is because he chooses, or he needs to compile to continue getting paid.

I hate to bash Boone because while I wish he did more, this ultimately falls on the front office, which means Cashman.

That’s it for now, come back tomorrow for more content.

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