Who’s To Blame For The Yankees Struggles?

July 11, 2024 Buddy Diaz 0

SPANISH HARLEM – The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. Thank you, Albert Einstein, […]

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Sports Rain Man: Clark’s Olympic Snub, USA Soccer Sucks vs Colombia, T20 Cricket World Cup

June 10, 2024 Junoir Blaber 0

NIAGARA FALLS, NY – Happy Monday! .I don’t know how many hits today’s piece will get. WARNING:  We will be talking about Women’s Basketball, Soccer […]

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Snell’s Pace for Yankees. Injury Toll for Knicks

February 29, 2024 Buddy Diaz 0

SPANISH HARLEM – The New York Yankees have not signed Blake Snell but are reported to have continuing talks. The New York Knicks have injuries […]

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The Yankees Need Pitching, The Knicks Get Healthier, Senga Hurt

February 22, 2024 Buddy Diaz 0

SPANISH HARLEM – The New York Yankees continue to have interest in Blake Snell, along with Jordan Montgomery and rightfully so. They are two pitchers […]

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Grapefruit League Report: Yankees Leaving Stink Behind?

February 15, 2024 Buddy Diaz 0

SPANISH HARLEM – Baseball is in the air. Spring Training has officially started with pitchers and catcher reporting to camp. Finally, we as fans can […]

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AWOL Angry Ward: Taylor Swift is Travis Kelce’s Yoko Ono, Brock Purdy Bullsh!t, Jets Flacco Flack

December 27, 2023 Matt McCarthy 0

NEW YORK, NY – Management fully understands your disappointment/discontentment in coming here today and seeing the Angry Ward is AWOL. He is the Meet The […]

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Angry Ward, Anthony Volpe, Juan Soto, San Diego Padres, San Diego Chicken, Meet-The-Matts, Ward Calhoun, #GoogleAlerts

The New York Yankees Add Alex Verdugo and Juan Soto!

December 7, 2023 Buddy Diaz 0

SPANISH HARLEM – On Tuesday night, the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox made news on a trade that saw Alex Verdugo going to […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: Yanks Need Juan Soto, Jets Sign a QB and Cut a QB, and Other Sports Stupidity

December 6, 2023 Angry Ward 0

NEW YORK, NY – It’s the most wonderful time of the week, during the most wonderful time of the year, and we’re all so lucky […]

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Giants Reach New Low, MLB Hot Stove, Things To Be Thankful For

November 17, 2023 Jackson Sternberg 0

HOLBROOK, NY – Can it get any worse for the Giants? Is Ohtani coming east?  Are you ready for next Thursday? Let’s see if we […]

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Did Brian Cashman Insult Giancarlo Stanton?

November 16, 2023 Buddy Diaz 1

SPANISH HARLEM – Giancarlo Stanton’s Agent, Joel Wolfe, released a statement discussing Brian Cashman’s interview, in which the star’s health was brought up. I really […]

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