Angry Ward Wednesday: Joba Rules 2.0

May 15, 2013 Angry Ward 20

“Don’t ever shush me.” – JOBA RULES 2.0 NEW YORK, NY – In case you missed it, this past Saturday assclown extraordinaire Joba Chamberlain took […]

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Ovechkin Over Checks, Pigs Flying As Brad Richards Scores, Amar’e Stoudamire

May 9, 2013 The Matts 2

While we’re waiting for Cam James to overcome his technical difficulties to post his column, here’s a brief gap-filler. NEW YORK, NY – In a […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: April Showers Bring Mayweather… and other Sports Stuff

May 8, 2013 Angry Ward 15

NEW YORK, NY – Originally, this column was going to be about my trek down to Atlantic City this past Saturday with assorted MTM royalty […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: Come Out, Come Out Whoever You Are. Jason Collins Inspires Me

May 1, 2013 Angry Ward 22

NEW YORK, NY – Happy International Workers’ Day to all of the hard-working folks that visit this site on an way-t00-regular basis. While our short […]

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NHL Playoff Predictions

April 30, 2013 Cheesy Bruin 12

CHICAGO, IL – The Short Boss had technology do his dirty work by requesting my pinch-hit appearance today through email and text,Ā  much like Pat […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: Buck Wild! Mets New Backstop and Teams Named After Fish

April 10, 2013 Angry Ward 23

NEW YORK, NY – As Grote2DMax pointed out yesterday, there’s plenty going on in sports these days. But today I’m going to shy away from […]

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Perfect Sports Day: Yanks Lose while Mets, Rangers, Knicks win

April 4, 2013 The Matts 17

NEW YORK, NY – Days like this, you don’t get ’em back. The planets aligned, pigs were flying, snowballs were being tossed in Hell. We […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: Opening Day Play-By-Play

April 3, 2013 Angry Ward 26

NEW YORK, NY – So, I had the now-rare opportunity to head out to Flushing, Queens this past Monday and attend Opening Day for the […]

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Angry Ward Wednesday: Out Like a Lamb? Sports Chaos as March Ends

March 27, 2013 Angry Ward 27

NEW YORK, NY – The past couple of weeks have been something of a blur up hereĀ at Angry Central. March Madness started, my kid caught […]

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Preacher’s Row: Damned Yanks, Cursed Capriati, Blessed Braves, Amanda Marcum

March 23, 2013 Preacher Collins 13

ATLANTA, GA – Its been another sin-interesting week in sports, folks. The Yankees whole left infield (and season) now in serious doubt, a sudden rise […]

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