SUNNY CALIFORNIA – I’m back from Cali with another half-assed effort, jet-lagged, and my laptop crapped out in transit. What am I, Junoir, complaining about my day-to-day? I’m also out of peanut butter! Anyway, sports. How’s about the NBA Finals, Yankees, and Ohtani?
NBA Finals
It’s gonna feel like a cheap title, regardless of whether Phoenix or Bucks take it down. The Suns played a bunch of teams without their best player and the Bucks would’ve gotten waxed by a healthy Brooklyn team. Or even healthier. Hopefully the Bucks will wrap it up on Tuesday and end this anti-climactic finals. I probably won’t lose that much sleep if Chris Paul never gets a ring.

The Yankees are fighting through their second post vaccine #COVID outbreak. Isn’t that bad? No dummy, that just means they’re working. This team is cursed. Or maybe it’s just because their stadium has the shortest right field fence in baseball and they stacked the team with right handed hitters. Genius. I foresee a second half push, but I don’t see them catching the Rays.
Shohei Ohtani
Ohtani just became the first pitcher in my lifetime to not give up any runs on the hill and then go to another position. Vlad Guerrero is gonna have to hit about 65 second half homers to get any mvp votes. This guy is having a season for the ages. Managing how much he plays/pitches over the coming years is a job I would not want. That one is up there with fluffer, toll both collector, and Tuesday blogger in this hell hole sports utopia (corrected by MTM Feel-Good Spin Department).
That’s it for me. Swing by manana for the senior resident of said hole, Angry Ward.