SPANISH HARLEM – There is no sport more humbling than Baseball. You are destined to have your ups and downs, your good and your bad. In baseball, it’s hard to be good for a prolonged period of time and the best thing you can do is ride the way because one day it will come to an end.
The New York Yankees are riding that way right now… heck, you can the same thing for the New York Mets and it’s easy to be excited right now. Winning is fun, you sleep better at night and hope that feeling continues because you know there will come a time when your team loses a series or gets in a losing streak. Times like that suck to high heaven but you know its a part of the game.
That brings me to my point, I love this run the Yankees are on. There was a brief stint where the Yankees looked like last year’s Yankees and somehow it was easy to blame the non hitting on the rain postments that lead to missing almost 3 full days of baseball but that fear stills exist. No fan wants to see last year’s Yankees again and while some minor additions were made, this is basically the same team… so what has changed?
Confidence is key to start the season, if you think your a really good team and pull off what the Yankees have done, then that helps a ton. It gives you hope that things are going your way early and you try your best to make that continue but also you build ground on the other teams in your division when the losing streaks do come around. It’s not a full proof plan but if your a good team, the odds are that you will win more games than you lose so every win early matters to some degree.
I guess what I am trying to say is, enjoy these moments now because one day soon you wish for these days back. Seeing the Yankees (and Mets) win games the way they are winning them makes you believe that is no fluke but if I’m wrong, remember, I warned you first.
That’s it for now, come back tomorrow for Different Matt.