SPANISH HARLEM – With the second half of the baseball season upon us, it’s a good time to evaluate my favorite and what has happened so far. On Monday, the New York Yankees fired their hitting instructor (give me a minute to google his name) … Dillon Lawson. I didn’t even know that guy existed until today but there he was taking the blame for a terrible display of offense that fans have seen for far too long. He is also the first person that Brian Cashman has fired in-season since he has been the General Manager (really… why not?).
To say the hitting coach is the problem wouldn’t be fair, as he is not the one striking out at the plate on a nightly basis, but the Yankees do have one of the worst offenses in the league. Cashman has been getting dogged by the media lately and for good reason, as he is the architect of this team and the person with the most power other than the owner. Should he be blamed? Absolutely, he should be. He is the one that hires the analytic department and focuses on what they are providing to run a tight ship that is big on control. He wants things to go a certain way and believes that way to be the best route to a winner. Yet here we are with the Yankees playing like a mediocre team without Aaron Judge in the lineup.

Can they turn this around? Yeah, but the flaws will remain, and they will not win it all with this group. In my opinion, Cashman is to partly to blame and I think he most certainly should be at the top of anybody’s list. He signed off on the players here, while the game seems to be changing, he believes that this team is built to win in the postseason, and he couldn’t be more wrong. Mind you, I don’t want the Yankees to rebuild but this team needs change. They need more youth and contact hitters, while moving on from all that launch angle bull-sheese.
To be honest, it’s been really difficult to enjoy this season because I already knew what this team is about. It’s just boring waiting for a homerun, just to get multiple runs on the board. Now I will eat my words if this team somehow starts winning and end up in the World Series, but the odds are they will fail again. So, blame Cashman and everybody else in the organization that believes they have what they need to bring another championship to the Bronx because in the end… you reap what you sow.