Big Ben: French Pole Vaulter Turns Heads, Yanks Pen Troubles, NFL Bust Watch – Drake Maye

PARIS, FRANCE – The summer went by faster than Greg Luzinski eating a hot dog. The Olympics are done, baseball is coming down the stretch, and football is ramping up. Let’s check in on the Yankees’ pen, a French Pole Vaulter Extraordinaire, and the Pats Rookie QBs.

Giants Maye Have Dodged a Bullet

We saw some impressive QB play from the rookies in their preseason debuts. Of course it’s foolish to read too much into preseason, but the guys were making some throws. Let’s overreact!

One guy who has reportedly not looked great in camp is Drake Maye, the third pick taken by the Pats. Jacoby Brissett is going to start there, at least for now… The Giants sought to trade up for Maye, who is supposedly being outplayed by 6th round pick Joe Milton. Nothing says you believe in a young QB like drafting another one in the later rounds. Milton was considered a project with a huge arm, but he’s athletic too.

I know it’s early, but the Giants may have lucked out by not giving up the farm for Drake.

Yankees Pen Trouble

The World Series is wide open this year, with exactly zero teams on pace for 100 wins. Going into Monday, the Yanks were tied with the Orioles for the best record, but they’ve looked pretty average at times. (Note, the Yanks are now in second place after a shellacking by the lowly White Sox last night. The Bombers left a small village of runners on base in that one.)

They have a mighty offense, and the rotation seems to be coming around some, but the pen does not appear to be championship caliber. Even if Hot-N-Cold Holmes gets it rolling, the set-up men are unimpressive. They wanted new acquisition Mark Leiter because he has swing and miss stuff. But I’ve seen a lot of hard hit balls to go with the swings and misses. The other deadline acquisition, Enyei De Los Santos, gave up 7 runs in an inning and two thirds last night, and has looked like a guy who won’t sniff the post-season roster. Maybe someone will get hot, but right now the bullpen is average at best.

I know it was a seller’s market, but Cashman needed to do something bigger. Much bigger.

Ze Big Oui Oui

Ben Whitney

Speaking of something much bigger, in Junoir’s highlight recap of the Paris Olympics yesterday, he left out the pole vaulter who would have cleared the bar if his dong didn’t dislodge it. A huge oversight by J Blabs there. Anyone? Is this thing on? This brings us to our bad headline section.

French Pole Vaulter Betrayed by his own Baguette
Pole Vaulter disqualified for smuggling an extra pole
You’ve Heard of the Fosbury Flop, How About the Phallic Flop?
Pole Vaulter to be Featured on Wheaties Box, Despite Not Medalling
A Decathlon… and Then Some
French Pole Vaulter Has an Eiffel Tower in His Pants
The Frog’s Third Leg

Let’s hear some more in the comments. And look for Angry Ward.

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About Ben Whitney 423 Articles
Ben Whitney comes from journalistic stock. Aside from his brothers, rumor has that his great-great grandfather was the youngest brother of Eli Whitney and covered the earliest "rounders" games. Big Ben is also another New York Rugby Club player/pal of Different Matt, Short Matt and Junoir Blaber. He likes film noir discussions, has twin girls and took up ice hockey after retiring from rugby.