SPANISH HARLEM – First off, if you missed the banter on Angry Ward’s excellent column, take an extra five minutes and check it out. It’s pure sports entertainment.

As for the here and now, we have some baseball on tap – that thing called the World Series – and a look at the NFL rivalry (New York Giants vs Philadelphia Eagles) over which our divided virtual MTM Staff office has been “eff ewing” each other sotto voce as they pass occupied cubicles. So let’s look at the Jints vs Iggles, the MLB Finals (TM) and – as a bonus – you get my take on the Houston Astros.
Last night the Tampa Bay Rays won, tying the Los Angeles Dodgers at one win each in the WS. I hate this Rays team (see my last article) but they did something I can appreciate; they beat THE CHEATERS. For me, it was the lesser of two evils because the Rays beat my Yankees. There was no way, though, that I wanted the Houston Astros in the World Series. If I had to chose (and I didn’t), I would rather see the Astros lose on the bigger stage, as payback for all that they did and how pitifully they dealt with the situation. I wouldn’t be happy with either outcome but I sleep a little better at night knowing I don’t have to listen to the sh*t that comes with that team.
The fact I get to write about the Philadelphia Eagles is exciting, I could complain all day about their record and injuries but that usually falls on deaf ears. Like soccer on this site. So, if I publish something about the Eagles, I would maybe get two comments (thanks to Angry Ward for one), and so I decided I would only write about the Eagles when they play the New York Giants. Well, whoopee, ’cause here we are! But… Both teams suck, and as a matter of fact, all the division’s teams suck. Even Cheesy Bruin’s & Grinding Ax’s Cowboys. No team is running away with it and from the way things look, we are all fighting for the top pick in the draft. So for now, there will be more behind-the-back bird-flipping at MTM HQ.
But how ’bout dem Eagles?! It hasn’t been easy being a Philly fan (NFL only) of late. It’s like we sold our souls to the devil for that 2017 championship. Just so you know, I would sell my soul again for that chip. It was epic and nothing or anybody will ever take that away from me. Yet, here they are, playing the New York Football Giants for our second win in 6 games. I could see the Giants winning. That wouldn’t surprise me because the Iggles blew a nice lead against the Washington FTs, only to the tie Cincinnati Bengals later. It has been a sh*t show of sorts if your an Eagles fan but at least we get to play the Giants and see who is worse.
That’s if for me, come back tomorrow for Short Matt’s plea on behalf of all fans of the team he loves the most.
Until the next time…