NBA Trading Deadline: Knicks’ Players Possibly On The Move

Julius Randle, NBA Trading Deadline, Cam Reddish, Meet-The-Matts, NBA

SPANHISH HARLEM – As the New York Knicks play the Memphis Grizzles, all I can think about is how the Knickerbockers can get to the Grizzle’s level and become a fun team with potential. New York was a really good team last season but I think we all knew there was a limit. With the trading deadline approaching, there is a way to add some excitement back into Madison Square Garden, however. With that, let’s discuss Knicks’ Players Possibly On The Move.

Alec Burks

Burks is a 2-guard playing out of position on a team full of 2-guard types. The Knicks recently traded for Cam Reddish and have no where to put him – at least according to Tom Thibodeau. You just know that management didn’t trade for Cam to watch him ride the bench, so I expect Burks to be traded because he might be the easiest to move. I like him… but definitely not as a point guard.

Kemba Walker

Buddy Diaz

It hasn’t really worked out for Kemba, and that’s a shame. There is nothing better than watching a kid that grew up in NYC play for the Knicks. You root hard for those type of guys because that’s the dream. I really wanted him to succeed, even though I knew that odds were against that happening. Take into account that Thibs doesn’t necessarily like playing him and you can see him being moved to create more space on the roster for someone younger.

Julius Randle

He is having a down year when you consider that he was an All-Star and shooting the lights out last season. Not so much this year and when you see that he hasn’t taken to the fans booing, its a recipe for disaster. I know his name is being thrown around but I highly doubt they’d trade him because he is going into a new deal and you would probably get less than what you may want. Randle is a good player and has been a criticized for trying to do much. Sometimes more is less and hopefully he can figure it out because I don’t think he goes anywhere this year.

That’s it for now, come back tomorrow for more content with Different Matt, whose NY Rangers are sizzling.

Until next time…

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