NEW YORK, NY – This week – (or is it now last week?) – Angry Ward accurately described the doldrums of this month for American sports fans watching traditional choices; the NFL, NHL, NBA… That last one means you’ve got to see – or not see – Kyrie Irving in the news… AGAIN. There is an alternative and it’s one yours truly – as die-hard of an American sports fan as there is – has been pitching to you all for years. Well, the time is NOW for you to check it out. There’s this thing called the Six Nations going on right now. Scotland beat England in an absolute thriller at Twickenham, yesterday, claiming the Calcutta Cup. 70,000+witnessed that… France is battling Italy right now on Peacock for a thing called the General Giuseppe Garibaldi Cup. Ireland smacked Wales around in Cardiff in front of another 70, 000+ fans. There’s also plenty of great rugby action overseas that you can watch: the United Rugby Championship, French Top14 (en Anglais), the English Premiership and Japan’s League-One.
It’s 80 minutes of physicality. No commercial breaks. No constant substitutions, as you play both sides of the ball. No pads. Big hits. Blood. No showboating. No yelling at the ref. And it’s one ref, who is mic’ed up.
But your time is money, right?
CUE… The Rugby Odds.
What critics are calling “…the best sports entertainment show out there.” is back. And it’s now global! See WWE legend John Bradshaw Layfield, the Yogi Berra of Rugby, Gift Egbelu & America’s Sweetheart – yours humbly – make picks across all rugby set-ups. You needn’t know anything about rugby or gambling to get something out of this thing. That’s the point
This week’s featured guest, Steve Lewis, GM of the reigning Major League Rugby Champion Rugby New York Ironworkers, helps make sense of all the controversy surrounding the Six Nations before breaking down the tournament’s opening match-ups. And he quotes Shakespeare.
Covered in this Season 3 Episode 1 show:
-Six Nations
-French Top14
-Japan’s League One
-Major League Rugby